why aren't these popular? i know gretsch has the dynasonic, and they use a couple designs made by dearmond, but no other brand has caught on
i've tried every kind amp; have been impressed with them all, i put them up in the ranks with p-90's
so why, in your opinion, are they not more popular?
Because the instruments that they have come on over the years have never themselves risen to the level of popularity that models like the Tele, Strat, les Paul or ES-XXX achieved (at least partially because they have tended to be cost prohibitive)? Those Rickenbacker toaster-top pickups aren't talked about much either, probably for the same reason.
i semi-agree with the popularity thing, but, as far as price, dearmond was always known as a budget line, and everything with dearmond pickups, even now, is pretty cheap in the grand scheme of things.
p-90's were never real real popular, but they've worked their way into just about every brand
Originally Posted by drew_half_empty
dearmond was always known as a budget line,
nope. back in the 50's amp; 60's they made the top of the line floating pickups for archtops.
heres my 2: (jazz plyers pay a gazillion dollars for the gold one w/ the pole pieces)
The DeArmond 2ks are some seriously underrated pickups and they give a very unique tone that some will like and some won't be crazy about. The set that came stock in my Tele-Sonic is one of the very best sounding pickups I've played. If you don't need lots of output and you want something that can get some warm smooth jazz tones, strat like clean rhythm (great for funk) and a biting light crunch sound, they're perfect. I like playing a mix of different styles and I find there's really not much I can't do with them (of course, I'm probably the only lead guitar player in the world that digs single coils for lead lines).
that's it! i remember there's dearmond 2k's amp; 2000's, one was supposed to be a variation on the p-90 and the other one is their own design, which has comparable output
anyhoo, i agree that they can't do hi-gain, but for cleans amp; light crunch you're right, they're spectacular. I've even played some through a jumped plexi RI with a new transformer amp; been impressed, though. They kept tons of articulation, and every pickup sounded like the position should.
more specifically, the bridge alone cut through ANYTHING, the middle position was hum cancelling amp; sounded great for chords amp; rythm lines in general, and the neck had a very unique blues tone
hah i guess this is turning into more of an appreciation thread but, oh well
- Jun 11 Thu 2009 20:52
gretsch/dearmond single coils