I've been tweaking my Ibanez Weeping Demon wah for while now. It sounds alright, but I just can't find any good sweet spots I suck at tweaking wahs, so I was wondering, do any of you Weeping Demon abusers have any good settings or advise for finding a good wah tone?
I've had mine for almost a year now and found the key is to really dial it in for one setup. I use mine between a Les Paul and a Blues Junior with a Boss TU-2 and a Digitech bad Monkey pedal.
One of the most shocking revealations was to NOT crank up the range too high. I found that I was just plowing through it so fast I was missing the effect! After I backed off it a bit I kind of found the quot;sweet spot.quot;
Alter the sweep for your needs. I play the back of the pedal, meaning I tend to spend more time with my heel down rather than my toe. By adjusting the sweep a bit to compensate for the fact that I only use a solid half of the potential range of motion of the pedal I could dial in things pretty well.
The Demon's one of my fave pedals. It's the one that everyone asks me about and refuses to beleve I get the sound I do out of it.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
Ibanez Weeping Demon wah users, any of you have any good settings?