
This pup sounds pretty damn cool. Anyone ever try one?

Originally Posted by AmpliFIREThis pup sounds pretty damn cool. Anyone ever try one?
warmer than a regular EVO anbd cleans up better
it is like a tone zone with a little less bass and has more crunch and is a lot tighter

Originally Posted by WICKED LESTERwarmer than a regular EVO anbd cleans up better
it is like a tone zone with a little less bass and has more crunch and is a lot tighterAwesome! How does it compare to the Norton?

Originally Posted by WICKED LESTERwarmer than a regular EVO anbd cleans up better
it is like a tone zone with a little less bass and has more crunch and is a lot tighterIt's definitely similar to a regular EVO but it's not really comparable to a TZ...the mids are a bit higher in the frequency spectrum. My bud just put one in his was closer to an EVO....but just toned down a bit.

it's a more rounded evo, it's got the tight bass, but a bit more even spectrum, with a bit more pronounced mids and less brittle some would say directly from vai

Originally Posted by ranalliIt's definitely similar to a regular EVO but it's not really comparable to a TZ...the mids are a bit higher in the frequency spectrum. My bud just put one in his was closer to an EVO....but just toned down a bit.
ranalli in all due respect steve blucher himself said that for those that want a tone zone like pup with not as much lows and is tighter sounding the EVO 2 is the one to get.

Huuum, that sounds EXCELLENT

Originally Posted by Daveyit's a more rounded evo, it's got the tight bass, but a bit more even spectrum, with a bit more pronounced mids and less brittle some would say directly from vai

this is correct the EVO is more or less a EVO with more rounded highs and more headroom(cleans up much better)
I liked it way more than the EVO 1 because to me it was not cold sounding at all like the EVO is.
really dimarzio is a great company but have a bad rep due to some of the things they have done legally to other up makers(duncan for instance with the double creme patent) but they have some really cool pups that no one else has
like the remind me a of specialty company
i found that any tone situation i have they have a pup for it no matter what

I really want to try (after buying my BKS) the following dimarzios on the bridge : Tone zone, Super Distortion(i heard this is HOT), dROP sONIC, X2N, Evo 2,the breed!
and for the neck, i want to test the air norton and super 2.

Originally Posted by AmpliFIREAwesome! How does it compare to the Norton?
the EVO 2 is not at all classic sounding where as the norton can be
the EVO 2 is a lot more modern in tone
the norton is a verey underated pup and it is a shame cause i think in many ways it is as every bit as good as a JB

so, the norton is a middle high pickup like the jb? tight bass?

Originally Posted by WITH FULL DISTORTIONso, the norton is a middle high pickup like the jb? tight bass?
yes and it has a tighter bass than the JB does and does not have that ice picky high end that the JB can have
the NORTON suprised the livin S**t out of me, i though it would suck but it was very good indeed!

Hej lester, when do you postsome clips?

Originally Posted by WITH FULL DISTORTIONHej lester, when do you postsome clips?
dude i will but i want to tell you that clips are PURE S**T!
they NEVER capture the essence of whats going on live
my rig up live tears down walls but on clips sound like ass
I hate friggin clips man, i remember first heasring the clips on the main diuncan site for his pups
man i glad i did not use them for my final decision
I friggin hate clips!!!!


Originally Posted by WITH FULL DISTORTIONOk
hey man i am not just saying this S**T i take my tone real personal and am a PERFECTIONIST with it
I would rather mail you a digital recorded disc with my tone than post some cheesy ass sounding clips that sound like bird****

it is that i like to hear clips

Originally Posted by WICKED LESTERranalli in all due respect steve blucher himself said that for those that want a tone zone like pup with not as much lows and is tighter sounding the EVO 2 is the one to get.
I totally believe you...that's just not what I heard really and I've used all those pickups. Every ear is different though...just get what you like

great stuff guys! Out of the Norton and EVO 2, which has the tighter bass response? Which has smoother mids?

Originally Posted by AmpliFIREgreat stuff guys! Out of the Norton and EVO 2, which has the tighter bass response? Which has smoother mids?

Evo 2 for both of those in my opinion. The Norton's mids really remind me of Fred at times, thicker but still with that strange sc'ish-tone/harmonics thing (hard to describe, if you've played a Fred you know just what I mean). Evo 2 has really tight bass response, maybe those crazy pole pieces? Norton sounded more natural to me on low strings, the bass response reminded me of my Air Zone. Both great pickups, the Evo2 (my choice) has more power and clarity while the Norton is a bit more traditional-sounding (great with a Floyd though)

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