
I want to post this because I talked a lot about my amp problems since I had the idiocy of selling my YCV40 three months ago.

Well, I entered my favorite store today (by accident) and there was a YCV40WR, the upgraded version with a Vintage 30 speaker, at 200$ less than retail, in mint condition. This baby is now right beside me as I type!

This amp is the best freakin' $500 (more like $800 if you're in Canada) tube amp I've ever played. And that's really why I post this.

If you're looking for an amp for blues and classic rock (anything between CCR and AC/DC is covered, and you get into 80s metal territory easily with a good booster pedal), this thing is the Holy Grail. Especially the Wine Red version, since it had the bottom end that the standard verison lacks a little.

I can't believe how important it is to play the right amp for you. I want to play like never before. Inspiraiton is back and it feels sooooo damn good.
I'll be back into the clip section very soon!

That's terrific! I was on here a few months ago ranting about missing my YCV80 that I had sold after a year and so I picked up another Traynor a few months ago. Great, affordable amps.

Wow, I see you have a YCV50... I never tried one but I was really hoping to get one or the wine red (they're both the same price here). Odds made me buy the WR. I can't say enough great things about these amps. And I tried many, including Fenders and Peaveys of the same category.

Of course we all have our personal Holy Grail. But I think this amp is often disregarded. People should definitely check it out. And NOT the YCV20... which is as disapointing as the YCV40 is amazing.

i tried the ycv40wr a bunch of times
loved the clean
the OD channel got a great vintage crunch but just didn't get into the modern territory for me
though i bet the right pedal would do it
i'd also love to try a ycv50
any words from you owners on either
btw - just have to say again - i totally dug this amp, especially the clean channel

i picked up a ycv50 blue about a month ago and its replaced my peavey classic 30 and my blues jr as my main play thing.

the clean is easily moved from one spectum to another, from teh cleanest clean to the buttery buttery fat tones i love so much.

The od freaking amazing for an amp this price. i expected it to be alittle weak and chimey..i was wrong. it reves right up and roars like a beast.

anyone know where i can get some info on a blue extension cab?

That's crazy that you found one that quickly, and such a good price, too. I've never played one, but with all the good words about it, I'll definitely be looking out for one.

Congratulations! And you're spot on with the quot;finding the right amp for youquot; thing. I'm truly happy for you, because I know how it feels.

any chance of getting some clips? i'd love to hear teh blue and the 40WR in action(plain, no pedals)

checkout this thread from harmony central guitar forum for some ycv50 clips.
from : localhost/

thanks for the lead (no punn intended)

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