
I am very interested in a PRS type 25quot; scale guitar and may be getting one in a few months. I have rercently tried out a PRS and it had a very nice feel to it, didn't plug it in as I was doing something else there and was just trying to test the feel of it. I have also seen a catalogue of carvins california carved tops and they look preaty sweet too. The PRS obviously has a little more cosmetic appeal with the bird inlays. Thing is the I can get a carvin much cheaper than a PRS. That is even if you price a PRS through guitar center or musicians friend. So is the PRS really a better guitar or is it just the name your paying for. I know you can more easily get the features you want on a carvin. On the flipside more well-known guitar players play PRS. So do any of you know if PRS is better. Any of you familiar with both and have some wise input as it seems stupid to pay more for the basically (minus bird inlays) the same guitar if that is actually the case. Any wisdom anyone in the know could offer would be most appreciated. Thanks Guys.

Xeromus just got one of the CTs, I don't think it was the 6, he went for a solid colour but he'd be able to give you some kinda pointers.

Have you tried searching? There are a few existing threads on the topic including:
from : localhost//forum/
from : localhost//forum/

I've got a CT3M. I ordered it in solid pearl white. It's solid mahogany. I really like it. The construction was top notch, everything on it was just about perfect. Very nice fretwork too. I had to send mine back for a rebuild due to a few minor flaws, but that doesn't happen often. I just hate Carvin electronics and pickups. They aren't bad, but they aren't good either. The important thins is that they are easily replaceable.

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