
Here's quick tip for finding cable to use as pickup leads. I had an old PC keyboard with a black cable. Since the connector had many pins, I knew there had to be many wires inside. I cut open the cable and found 4 covered wires(red, white,green, yellow), a bare ground wrap, and a foil around the whole bunch. I rewired a few pickups with it and it works great. Pass it on.


Cool tip, thanks for sharing

whoa whoa whoa
so you sodier one of the shielded wires to the point where the original wire was and to where you wanted to solder it in the first place right?

thanks i was actually going to start a thread asking how to extend existing wires

Glad to help. It's nice to share ideas. As far as rewiring goes, I remove the tape, loosen the bobbins, remove the old cable where it atatches to the windings.


i actually found that out too, but didnt ever end up using it

i've used burglar alarm cable before.. it's like 27p a metre from electronic shops! has like 8 cores and ground, so you just yank out the colours you don't need!


I'll remember that for the next time i get pissed playing videogames and smash a keyboard... again...

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