I was wondering if anyone has had any experience or suggestions regarding Weber Beam Blockers in either a 4X12 or combo application. Thanks.
I've played with them a bit. They work as advertised. SRV used to put a piece of ducktape right around the center of the speaker. Same idea. Similar results.
They tame very directional piercing highs.
Go to an arts and crafts store. Get a styrofoam cone ($1.00) that has a diameter at least the diameter of the voice coil. Point the point of the cone towards the dust cap. An easier method would be a 2 inch styrofoam ball glued to the dust cover.
Just put tape on the grille cloth.
Actually i just bought two of them for my laney about 3 weeks ago. They make a massive difference. Just putting duct tape on the grill did nothing for my Laney, i almost couldnt tell a difference. The beam blockers do more than just tame the directional high frequencies, they disperse all of them to round out the tone overall. You will hear a HUGE difference if you install them.
They work excellent in speakers like V30s that can be a little harsh with some amps. They are good for making a new speaker sound more broken in until you actually get it broken in. I don't like them with some darker speakers like G12H30 because they dull the tone a little. If you are one of those people who gets really annoyed by fizz on the top end of your distorted tone, the Beam Blockers will probably help you.
Oh YEAH they work!! I got 2 last week and put one into my Classic 30. Did a great job of diffusing and dispursing those highs that go straight for your eardrums. I highly recommend trying them.
Guitar Player has a 1/2 page review of them in the latest issue (Jerry Garcia cover). They said they work, but went into a bit more detail. Check it out.
Mind scanning it in if you have it?
Originally Posted by suislidE03Mind scanning it in if you have it?
I'll try to remember to bring it to work, where I have access to a flat-bed scanner.
Failing that, it will be on GuitarPlayer.com soon. Check in from time to time, when they change from McCartney to Garcia, search for Beam Blocker.
- Sep 11 Sun 2011 21:07
Weber Beam Blockers?