
I didn't want to hijack John's thread, so here's the my de-mud mod clip. I'm using a 59 neck. The difference is very subtle. Obviously, you don't want to change the basic character of the pup. On computer speakers, you may not even hear the difference.

Its a real simple chord progresion that goes normal/mod-on. Loop it to help hear the difference.

de-mud mod


btw - You wouldn't want to do this on a bridge pup.

What is the mod?

Sorry . . . it was from an old thread.
The original thread called for a pot where the resistor is, but the pot wasn't worthwhile. The plain resistor is, though. I've done this on a 59 and a Distortion neck so far. Works great on both.


I definitely hear the difference (I have some decent nearfields hooked ot my PC) but I wish the mod were even more effective. Would changing the value of either the cap or the resistor allow for deeper cuts into the mud?

Originally Posted by St_GenesiusI definitely hear the difference (I have some decent nearfields hooked ot my PC) but I wish the mod were even more effective. Would changing the value of either the cap or the resistor allow for deeper cuts into the mud?

Absolutely. Adjust the cap to select the roll-off point. Adjust the resistor to control how much of the full range to blend in.

A .015 will filter out less bass, while a .0047uf will filter out more. You have to play with the values. They are, somewhat, pup-resistance dependent.

You can use a pot for the resistor to find the ideal value there. You can even leave the resistor out completely. The difference is subtle. You just need to experiment. I brought my red and white wires out from under the pickguard so that I could quot;clipquot; different values into place quickly.

Wow, I can definitely hear a difference, even through my PC speakers (Altec Lansings). I'll have to remember this, or better yet.....

Admins.......VAULT PLEASE!!! This one's a keeper.

I'm trying to get my own webpage up with some of these. Finding the time, and the gumption, at the same time is the problem.


Originally Posted by ArtieTooI'm trying to get my own webpage up with some of these. Finding the time, and the gumption, at the same time is the problem.


If you need some help, just let me know. I could whip up a mods page real fast. Just send me what they are and I'll get the basics laid out ready for you to insert the file names of the graphics and sound clips.

Cool. I just might take you up on that.

Thanks Erik;

Originally Posted by St_GenesiusI definitely hear the difference (I have some decent nearfields hooked ot my PC) but I wish the mod were even more effective.

I forgot to mention, there's a fair amount of clarity, or fidelity, thats lost in the MP3 conversion. What I hear, and whats on that clip, are somewhat different. You may want to start with those values, and go from there.

Subtle but they are different.

What is the difference between using the cap and resistor vs. using just the cap? Would a typical .022 uF cap alone work for a subtle reduction in low end on a 59 neck HB in a Les Paul, or would that be too subtle?

Thanks for posting this thread!

The difference between using the resistor or not, is so subtle that it might be my imagination. I started with a 500k pot, and discovered that it sounded best with the pot full-on. So I just used a 500k resistor. Since I still have my mod hanging out from under the pickguard, I'll try clipping the resistor off and listening for the difference.

Changing the cap to .022 will have some affect, but I'm not sure what. I'll swap that out also, and report back tomorrow.


i can hear it! it's *slightly* edgier.. it fixes the only gripe i had with the '59 neck, if it cuts the bass like you say


It does. It works great with a Distortion neck also.

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