I've read somewhere on the net that one of the ways to know if a pedal is true bypass is to see if you still get sound out of your amp when you pull off the pedals power supply.
I've been given a Dunlop cgb95 wha last week and i still can play through it even when the wha is not connected to the power supply(of course without getting the wha effect)....does this mean it has been converted by the previous owner to true bypass or what i've read over the net is just one of those useless info from a non informed website?
from : localhost/members01.chello.se/pastorn/fx/mods/bypass.htm
none of the dunlop/mxr pedals are true bypas. How do i know this? Customer support told me so....
Originally Posted by KGMESSIER from : localhost/members01.chello.se/pastorn/fx/mods/bypass.htmNice article
Andreas is a good guy. He helped me mod my GCB-95 to true bypass. My board is Rev E and he helped me get it right. I then sent him Rev E board pics to add to his site.
Look this page for how to make yours true bypass.
from : localhost/members01.chello.se/pastorn/fx/mods/dunlop.htm
yes i have already found that url and tomorrow i think i'll do the mod. As you can see from the site there are two ways of doing it.....one keeping the buffer circuit and one removing the buffer.........I don't know which one to choose........what are the differences tonewise between the two options?
- Apr 08 Wed 2009 20:51
Dunlop cgb95 wha true bypass