

First post here since the old board. Anyway, I have a MIM '60s RI Stratocaster in which I have SSL-5Ls I had purchased in 1988.

A friend had a new SSL-5L RW/RP which he was looking to sell, and it seemed like a good idea to grab it to install in the middle position as it would have a humbucking effect with the bridge/middle combination I usually use.

Installed it last night, and not only was it NOT humbucking in the second and fourth selector positions, but for some very strange reason the quot;Aquot; string had a very tinny, thin and out-of-phase sound on it ONLY when the bridge/middle combination was selected.

At first I thought that the string was buzzing and the saddle needed to be raised, but when playing on individual pickups, it sounded just fine.

I cannot imagine what in the world would cause this and why it was only on the bridge/middle position and ONLY on the quot;Aquot; string... The sound was very thin and out-of-phase, but again, only on the quot;Aquot; string.

At any rate, I reinstalled the original SSL-5L and I'll likely keep the new SSL-5L for a middle pickup for a Peavey Tele-style someone gave me.

But can anyone tell me: Did change the polarity of pickups over the years? Anyone have any idea what caused the weird thin sound on the quot;Aquot; string???

the the whole pickup may have been out of phase........try putting it back in, and flipping the black and white wires

welcome to the forum!!

i dont think the polarity has changed.

the out of phase sound was only on the a string? was it all the way up the neck or just open?

It was the craziest thing -- all the way up the neck, but ONLY on the quot;Aquot; string. I've worked in amp repair and taught guitar for years. Also taught an amp circuitry clinic at ESP Musical Academy in Tokyo back in '95.

So I'm not a newbie, but this one has me stumped! The difference between the quot;Aquot; string and the others was quite striking. Only thing I could come up with is that since the polepiece is lowest below the quot;Aquot; string with an SSL-5L on a right-hand guitar, that might have something to do with it. I raised the pickup on the bass string side, but that didn't help at all.

So, as I wrote, I reinstalled the old SSL-5L as there was no humbucking effect in the second and fourth positions anyway.

And the SSL-5 is a great pickup; one that I think is overlooked. Great for Southern Rock and Modern Country. The extra output is nice too for the added sustain. One of my favorite pickups.

This is just a shot in the dark, but maybe single-coil magnets can be removed as easily as the humbucker slugs. Maybe someone did, and put the A string magnet back in upside-down. If you can get a small magnet, see if its polarity matches the others.

Like I said . . . a shot in the dark.

I examined the polepiece and it does not appear to have been hammered out and reinserted. The ground edge bevel is still on the top of the polepiece.

But I'll be damned -- you're right. I just got a magnet and the quot;Aquot; string polepiece repels a magnet that all the others attract. The quot;Aquot; string polepiece polarity IS opposite of the others. THAT'S what was causing this...

Any of you guys at SD know if I can knock the polepiece out and reinsert it? Doable???

Wow . . . you mean I got this right!

When I removed the slugs from my humbucker, they slid out fairly easily. You might try that first. Or, since this sounds like it may be a factory mistake, they may make it right for you. I guess it would depend on how old it is.

Hopefully Scott M or someone will pop in.

Edit: Ooops . . . that SSL-5 wasn't '88.

Wow, that is wacky. Other than manufacturing defect, I can't even picture how that would happen.

Oops! Maybe I wasn't clear on this. The three original pickups in my MIM Strat were purchased in 1988.

The problem only developed when I recently bought this *new* RWRP SSL-5L from a friend and installed it in the middle position of this same Strat. My idea was that since I play mostly on the bridge/middle position, I'd be able to take advantage of the humbucking effect obtained by installing a RWRP polarity pickup in the middle position.

Upon installing the new pickup, that is when the thin OOP sound started on the quot;Aquot; string.

Crazy thing, I just didn't think that the magnet might be reversed. One just sort of assumes that it wouldn't be reversed to begin with, but then again, if amp repair has taught me anything, it's definitely NOT to assume anything. Sometimes the most daunting problems turn out to be simple overlooked stuff that was quot;supposedquot; to have been right, but wasn't for whatever crazy reason... And I've seen enough owner modifications that make no sense whatsoever. Say ... like the guy that didn't like the pilot lamp being so bright or something on his Fender Twin, so he pushed the bulb and holder into the amp, but in doing so, the bulb fell out. That rolled around until it hit the power transformer primary or secondary taps and shorted against the chassis. I've seen tons of stuff like that...

Can't imagine why the former owner might have reversed the magnet. Maybe he did for some strange reason??? You just never know about these things.

But thanks Artie, you were right!

I recently bought a used set of ssl-5's and when i got them one of the poles was way up.It slid right back into place and I pushed a couple more and they moved slowly too.I wouldnt be surprised if you could just carefully push it out and turn it around.

OK, pushed the polepiece out without damaging the coil. It's not something I'd recommend others try as one might easily break the coil wire.

Took the magnet and beveled the other edge with a file so it'd look right and reinserted it. Measured the pickup with a meter, clocks in a 12.92k ohms, so everything's OK. No broken wire. May try to reinstall it, or may just hang on to it to put into the Peavey Tele-style that I mentioned. It has routs for three pickups, but was given to me with just the neck and bridge pickup.

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