
Take a look-see at this Jackson SL2 review i found at Musicians Friend

Jackson SL2H
Features: 10
Quality: 10
Value: 10
Overall: 10
GuitarGuy4564 from Florida
Experience: I own it
Background: Beginner
Style of Music: Mostly Green Day

May 4, 2005 - I am 11 years old, and I have been playing guitar for a little over a month. I am primarily a Gibson player (I own a Les Paul Standard, and I have and SG Standard in the mail). Although I can't play very much (I can play quot;Brain Stewquot; by Green Day like a pro)I played this guitar at a Guitar Center, and said why not. Turns out that I am totally converted!! I got home, plugged into my Marshall Half-Stack, and my parents couldn't believe how good I sounded. As soon as my SG comes, it's going straight under the bed, where my Les Paul currently resides. The metal-sounding tone on this axe nails the quot;Brain Stewquot; sound exactly, and my friends at school all want to start playing guitar too after they came to my birthdday party and saw my collection. Thanks Jackson!

Very good!

And I thought I was spoiled for a beginner...

I really hope that's a joke, or the parents have way too much money floating around

I like they reviews on Musicinsfriend when someone give it 10 stars in everything and then says it looks so cool it's like the one ______(fill in the blank with a guitar legend) uses. When I learn how to play the guitar I'm getting on of those.

I pray to God that the review is a joke, I pray.

yeah obviously a gag


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