
Trying to find the universal humbucker combo for Mahogany, Korina, Koa bodied guitars!

Please describe you choice in terms of sound, versitility, splittability!


I like my tone to be versityle not too bright not too warm that it gets muddy and also can be used for diff styles from blues to hard rock

jazz neck/pearly gates bridge
i use this in my toronado, it works wonders for tone warmth. depending on what amp im using, i need to roll the tone, back a hair. today in church, i brought my toronado in and my friend played it, while i played his cort acoustic (my 455 ce is not in yet) he played it through an old marshal and it sounded sick!

For my warmoth white korina, it used to be Jazz/JB. Nowadays, I'm beginning to lean more towards Jazz/Screamin' Demon and even Full Shred/Screamin' Demon for the quot;rightquot; grit and depth.

I chose quot;otherquot; 'cause the 59 neck in a Les Paul is too boomy - so you have to go with the Jazz. JB or 59 both sound great in the bridge though.

You can't beat the Pearly Gates in a nice, big hunk of mahogany and the Custom is one of the best all around bridge pickups out there, so I went with the PG/custom combo.

CC/Seth or CC/APH


I voted other, for DiMarzio Virtual Vintage PAF and Virtual Hot Paf for my first choice and either Jazz or APII/ 59 second

warm and universal?air zone and air norton!
even though i am a duncan endorser(unofficially! )
i must say this dimarzio set is the warmest
i know of in most guitars

Others : i think Jazz neck and Demon bridge are top class for warm guitar .
Jazz : beautiful cleans and the best neck shredder with gain ( full shred as well but not for the cleans)
Demon : balanced EQ , best definition of bridge humbs , will do all style from blues to extreme heavy metal .

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