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ClipsOkay, the songs are older as the list goes down. With that said, Slow ballad is all invader and I did some awful timing with the rhythm guitar. That's all invader cleans.

Cleans is obviously a single coil at first, then I switched it to an invader so you guys can get an idea tone-wise.(For those who don't know yet)

Recording techniques: I put my mic(It's a cheap headset mic) in top of my amp, sticking forward and a bit down. That's about it. Keep in mind the mic is like a 5 buck mic and I'm using a $120 strat copy with body that's quot;Alder-boundquot;.

I'll do some distortion clips sometime this week, I tried today, but the balls of it hurt my mic. I'll try as soon as I get the proper recording equipment set up.

EDIT: Added the dist demo. Sorry if I can't play Seek and destroy perfect, I practiced it once and then stopped trying. Same thing goes with AC/DC's Back in black, that was the first quot;riffquot; I learned and I did it by ear. Also, I switched my dist from my metal dist to my quot;Punk rock distquot; around the end. Sorry, but my mic doesn't record my tone correctly since it literally took away the low-end/high-end.

I agree, the mic doesn't do it justice.

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