Okay, a few months ago, before I got my '58 RI, I bought a '57 RI LP Custom off eBay from a quot;guitar store.quot; It was described as quot;Mint.quot; A few days later, my good friend from Brown shows up with box in hand and I proceed to rip though the box like a kid at Christmas. I crack the case open only to see a LP '57RI thats 'less than mint!'. Some bucklerash, and various dings/nicks throughout the body. Granted, nothing terrible, but for $2500.00, it was far from mint. So, back goes the Custom and I head down to my local mom and pop Gibson dealer and order up a '58 RI. Couldn't be happier.
So....I'm still jones'n for a LP Custom '57 RI (Yes, Christian, this is the same guitar we spoke of!) and find one on eBay for $2100.00. Again, described as a quot;9.5 out of 10quot; from a quot;guitar shopquot;. I buy it, it arrives a few days ago, and surprise, its FAR FROM MINT! This one is actually worse than the first Custom! It looks to have a bad binding repair from about the first to 4th fretts. The finish between the neck and binding is literally flaking off and its rough as hell to touch! I was pissed beyond belief! I called the seller (who also confirmed the guitars condition BEFORE I purchased it) and he's going to issue me a full refund. That money is going to my local Gibson dealer who just ordered me a '56 LP Goldtop w/ P-90's.
I'm takiing these 2 experiences as a sign that I'm not destined to own a LP Custom (at least a used one). I refuse to buy one new because I don't think its worth the $3000.
Unless I know the seller (like a forum bro or something), I think I'm done with online guitars sight unseen!
Maybe I'm just lucky. I've never had a problem buying a guitar off of ebay. I've heard so many ebay guitar horror stories like these that does make me a little scared to buy another one off of there. Now that I think about it, I don't think I've bought a guitar off of ebay in a couple of years or so. Good luck with the 56 RI. I wish I had one.
For $2500 you can get a real new one, and not from ebay. Stop paying new prices for used gear on ebay for starters.
$2500 for a new '57 RI???? Where!??!?!?
Daves has them (or at least they did a month or so ago) for $2499. The others are close. Sh!t, you can even get a flamed 68RI custom for an average of $2699 from any boutique dealer. Dave's also has 57RI Goldtops for $2099 new if you're interested in one of those. I just bought my 57RI GT new for $2399, but only because I wanted a lightback under 9lbs, so I paid premium.
I got this 2002 54RI (used) for $1500 shipped !!
Thanks for the info, TC! Daves prices are crazy !
i've always been a big fan of 70's customs, not into the new stuff too much. and you can still find em every so often on the cheap.
- Dec 17 Thu 2009 20:55
I'm not supposed it own a LP Custom!