There's a;so a neck and pickup in the mail for the model 1a, which is right now not in a state to be played...
Also, my amp uses 2 X 6V6GT power valves and 3 12AX7s on the input 1 12AX7 as phase inverter. I fear the tubes may be a little old. What would you advise for a tighter sound with slightly more output and bass? I want to keep the British sound to it of course
Nice lookin Charvel you got there. How does the POD treat you run through a tube amp? I've been eyeing one for a while now but haven't been able to get to the store. Thumbs up or down?
Wtf is the thing next to your amp?
Btw... cool finish on your Charvel
^My guess is a bike rack. Do we win a prize if we get it right?
Oh, and sweet strap on the Charvel too!
Ok, might as well.
Pretty Standard stuff.
On the left is my Jackson PS-2 I posted on another thread.
Just to the right and in the back is an Alvarez accoustic/electric cutaway.
Next up is a Squier Stratocaster Deluxe Flamed top.
On the far right is a Rogue PRS clone birdseye maple top.
My one and only amp is a Kustom KGA-30 accompanied by my trusty Behringer V-Amp2.
Here is a close up of my crappy amp.Ballamp;Chain, how do you like that Squire Deluxe? I'm in need of a cheap strat.
To be perfectly honest.... I really like it alot. They sell new for around $250, but you can get pretty much the same thing with a solid color Squier Standard for $200.
It has the more modern 2 point fulcrum trem and stays in tune really well, even when slacking the strings all the way with the bar.
I love the neck. Unfinished on the back with a good feel to the rosewood board, that is fairly rounded.
I subscribe to the theory that when buying on a tight budjet, you buy the top of the line model of the lesser brand rather than the bottom of the line model of the Name Brand. It has worked for me anyway.
I bought it at a guitar center awhile back. They had 3 to choose from, so I picked what i thought was the best of the bunch. I compared it to everything from Mexi's to MIA's before i purchased and thought it was better than any of the Mexi's i tried and fairly comparable to the MIA's.
It's an electronic drum rack
I didn't try the POD through the amp yet. I played it through the hifi. But now I got another cable, I may as well try.
Ahh funny but your controls are differently set up my mines. Mine go from left to right with the gain stages, then EQ, then reverb. Yours is the opposite!
Anyhoo for tubes, The Man who Invented Fire (and I mean damn, that dude invented FIRE so I suspect he knows about the tube which will make my amp unleash the 7 layers of hell, fry any unsuspecting non-metal persons who would wander too close to my amp and at last bring armageddon to this decadent Earth to bring His night)
from : localhost/The 12AX7LPS ones
from : localhost/The 6V6GT
So that'd be 2 X 25 4 X 17 = 118 for a complete retubage... It doens't seem THAT bad (though my wallet disagrees).
Originally Posted by mnbaseball91^My guess is a bike rack. Do we win a prize if we get it right?
Oh, and sweet strap on the Charvel too!
It's next to the bed...maybe a sex toy ?
- May 04 Tue 2010 20:58
Rig pics (because I'm so uncool) and few tube amp questions...