
Hey guys, I went in today to my local Duncan dealer to talk some more about what Duncans would be the best fit for my guitar and possibly make an order. The tech there recommended some handwound Rocket pickups which were slightly more than the Duncans, and basically stated that Duncans are great but handwound pickups are generally better quality than mass produced. I know I posted a couple of days ago and got some outstanding replies, but I just want to make sure the bases are covered before I take the big plunge! Any thoughts? Thanks in advance.

It's not better at all.
Each one will be different.

If you want a one-of-a-kind pickup, go for it.
Personally, I prefer wood variation to be the only variable in my guitars and the rest be as consistant as possible.
it's the same as hand-built VS CNC.

CNC is more cost-effective and consistant PERIOD.
if you start with a great model, you will end up with a great one every time with machines.
hand made? You can get damned close if you have the talent knowledge and experience. never quite there.

The quality of Duncan and other massproduced pickups is great as far as I know. The only reason to go with another maker is to get something different.

Duncan will do handwound in their custom shop. They will make what ever you want.

I'm fairly certain that several off-the-shelf Duncans are hand-wound. Just not sure which ones. I think the Antiquities are one.

Also, I'm fairly certain that by quot;hand-woundquot;, they actually mean quot;hand-guidedquot;. I'd bet that the bobbin still turns on a winder.

...I have never heard of Rocket pickups, which doen't really mean very much at all, there a lots of brands I have never heard of. I will tell you this, Duncan's are great pickups. What kind of sound are you looking for, and what kind of guitar are these pickuyps going in? BTW...even if there is not a regular Duncan that suits what you are lookinf for Duncan has a Custom Shop where you can order almoist anything you can dream up...I have 2 sets of Duncan Custom Shop pickups and they are amazing, I have 4 sets of regular Dunca's and they are also all just depends on what you are looking for.

Originally Posted by ArtieTooI'm fairly certain that several off-the-shelf Duncans are hand-wound. Just not sure which ones. I think the Antiquities are one.

Also, I'm fairly certain that by quot;hand-woundquot;, they actually mean quot;hand-guidedquot;. I'd bet that the bobbin still turns on a winder.I think the Antiquities are the only quot;hand-woundquot; production pickups.... But it´s my understanding that there are other quot;lesserquot; people winding the production pickups (i.e. not MJ or SD), which would quot;technicallyquot; make them hand wound as well.....Unfortunately I wasn´t at UGD, maybe soimeone that was can come in here and tell me whether I´m talking out my ass or not

I've not heard of Rocket pickups either and unless you have heard a pair in action by someone using simular gear to yours, you are buying blind.

Some SD pickups are wound by hand using the original Gibson leesona winder.

Remember, it's not how a pickup is made but who makes it. It is also not nearly as important how a pickup is made but how it sounds in your guitar. If you hate the tone, hand winding means nothing.

I'm not saying that you shouldn't get the Rockets but I wouldn't buy them just because of the reasons you stated. You really need to hear them first.

the Antiquity single coils are hand wound in the Custom Shop; the Antiquity humbuckers are wound on the Leesona from the old Gibson factory

Evan explained it like this, IIRC: the Antiquities are made using methods and materials as true as possible to the originals ... that is, Fenders were hand wound, Gibsons were machine wound

I haven't heard of Rocket pickups either, so I'd say quot;caveat emptorquot; - I'd want to hear them first

personally, I think a better approach is to tell us what equiment you have, and what benchmark tone you're looking for, and go from there

for the record, I thought the quot;handwoundquot; Harmonic Design strat pickups I got weren't any better sounding than Seymour's SSLs or APSs

IMO if you want something pretty standard, get a stock pup. There are so many versions of a PAF that you should be able to find SOMETHING.

If you need something not available stock, go for a custom, whether from Duncan or elsewhere. I have a custom wound SK pickup that rocks, and there are other great custom winders out there. Of course, Duncan is one of 'em.

Thanks guys. I already posted earlier in the week and got about 12 replies on different combos I would possibly want to try so I'm pretty set there. Here's my thinking. Most of the players I like that have the sound I'm going for use a PAF style pickup as far as I know (classic rock guys like Gibbons/A. Young/Page). I belive the modern players I like (Mustaine/Cantrell/A. Jones) use or have used a JB on many of their recordings. If Duncans were good enough for these guys, I'm sure I'll be thrilled with them. Sooooo, I'm getting it narrowed down pretty well, probably a PAF with extra kick or the JB for the bridge anyways. The band I'm in now is definitely more in the classic rock vein. This weekend I played a friend's guitar with Pearly Gates for the first time and really liked it. But you know how it is, you think you've got it all figured out and an quot;expertquot; steers you in a different direction. I'm still 99% sure I'll be getting Duncans. Thanks again! This forum is outstanding! By the way here's the site for Rocket Pickups.

Wow, some really limited choices there. They offer alnico v magnets in the first three models with no mention of the magnet type or DC resistance on the fourth model.

For alnico v magnet pickups in a simular spec from SDs you'll spend what looks like $40-$60 more a set for those with no 21 day return.

Looks like a fledgling company and they may have some great stuff but I'll stick with the Duncans.

He was probably trying to push a sale on you. He probably can't sell those pickups. lol

One reason to buy Duncans is that how they sound is better known...if you run into the situation where, say, you try a JB and it doesn't have enough of something, you can do some research and find out which PU will be *like* a JB but with more of what you need. You can do well with the lesser-known companies but if what you buy doesn't work for you it can be hard to figure out where to go from there. Judging from a recent experience I had with a smaller company, I think it's better to start with the big guys and get a good handle on how certain pickups sound in a particular guitar; if no one makes exactly what you are looking for you can go custom shop or smaller manufacturer. I also think that Duncans are probably engineered to sound good in a variety of guitars.

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