
i didn't realize it at first but i don't have a tuner anymore. so i need to replace the one that was stolen. which one should i get guys. who has one that is great and what is it. i do not have a rack system so a pedal or something that i can plug into would be nice. i do not need to keep the tuner on my pedal board but i will if it is of course a pedal. hope that all makes sense. thanks in advance guys.

that strobe tuner i hear is incredible. Just put strobe tuner in the search at musicians friend and you'll find it. Scott_f got one i think, and it tuned so well that it corrected alot of his intonation issues!

I have the intellitouch tuner, costed me 55.99. Backlit screen, can tune in a noisey environment, whether it be acoutic or electric. I like it because it's compact, and it came with it's own little carry/protective case.

Sabine STX-1100. They're like $50, durable as hell, and mine has gone for well over a year on a single 9v. It's quite compact, and grabs low notes better than any other tuner I've used.

Peterson Strobe!!! I use one and I now dislike all other tuners.

IMO, there's Peterson and then there's everything else.
That said, I use a Peterson for setups and everything else for general tuning (e.g., playing with the band).

sorry i forgot to add one thing. it also needs to be able to tune my martin that has no pickup, so i guess a built in mic would be a plus too.

Like I said, the intellitouch is great for everything, until you get ready to go to a strobe tuner.

thanks for all the replies guys keep them coming. the strobe tuner sounds cool but it is expensive. beandip i will be checking out that intellitouch tonight.

who else has one of the strobe tuners? Scott F, Aleclee which one do you guys have?

Nothing beats a strobe,I'm going to be getting one in the near future.Right now I'm using the DT-7,but you can't go wrong with a TU-12H.

Originally Posted by mrfjoneswhich one do you guys have?

I have the original VS-1 (non-stomp). I believe that Scott has the Strobo Stomp.
For quot;informalquot; tuning, I use whatever's handy. That's generally my Pox XTL, Yamaha Magic Stomp, or Akai Tune-o-matic pedal.

can someone explain what a strobe tuner is? i've been wondering what the difference was for a while now.....

i don't know how any of these actually work so i will bump my own thread up to the top to see if one of your electrical guys can answer nahfutens question.

the VS-1 looks like a hand held one right? there is one on ebay right now for a good price.


nobody knows what the difference is between a strobe tuner and the others?

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