
I am looking to sell my Electroharmonix Small Clone Chorus Pedal. It is 6 weeks old and has only been played for about an hour. I tend to use the modulation delay on my Digidelay so I haven't found a need for this pedal. I will let it go for $70 USD shipped to Canada or the CONUS.

I will welcome the following trade offers:
PRS Tremonti Treble pickup
PRS Tremonti Bass pickup
SD SH-5 Custom pickup
SD SH-2 Jazz neck pickup

PM me if interested.


Hey, I'm interested... does it run off of a regular (Boss/Ibanez/One Spot) 9-volt adapter?


PM sent Kac.

But for any others that are wondering the same question, the Small Clone runs off of a different style 9 volt adapter. I have been running it with batteries and never got around to buying the separate adapter for it.

Originally Posted by Lee BobPM sent Kac.

PM Replied

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