does xt live lack anything pod xt has, i need it for recording but as long as LIVE isnt missing anything the pod xt has ill get that 1, i think it comes with fx junkie patch which is usually $50 and it has 3 in 1 pedal which i was thinking of getting seperately and that would prob be @ 50 at least and how well are these made is extended warranty necessary
If you are going to use it live, then I would say get the XT Live (duh), but I actually preferred the working arrangement and size of the XT for recording. I can appreciate the foot switches and wah/vol pedal of the XT Live, but the placement of the output vol control was incredibly inconvenient for me, as was bending over to tweak things. I returned the XT Live for a standard XT and a small Yamaha mixer. YMMV of course.
BTW, I think that extended warranties are generally a rip off. If you use a credit card, check to see whether it includes a warranty extension (platinum VISA and MC add up to a year of coverage).
I believe the only thing the XTL misses relative to the XT is L6 Edit. Word is that a public beta is being released today, though.
It's pretty cool to be able to use GuitarPort with the XT and be able to swap patches or toggle FX with a tap of the toe.
the xtl isnt missing anything the xt has though in terms of sound fearures like noise gates compresson amps cabs fx or anything else like that? and does xt have wall warts? and i heard xtl when u plug in headphones it doesnt detect it does xt have this problem? and i set up my home studio where it would be as accesable to me as my mouse wat ever 1 it was
sorry i started that b4 u answered my question wat does the L6 Edit do. and can u explain more about the public beta and wat it is do u mean the xts but software only
- Feb 24 Wed 2010 20:56
Pod Xt Live Or Pod Xt