
I am looking to replace the PUPS on my Ibanez 335 copy. This is my axe I play jazz on, so I need a warm clean neck pup, but I would also like to be able to get some nice classic rock tones from this guitar as well.
I'm kind of interested in a set of PG's but i'm not sure how they'll do for jazz.
Any other suggestion would be great.

I play jazzy things with my PG loaded Lester, though it is a bit edgey sounding. I'd say either a pair of Seths or a pair of Phat Cats would do very well. The Seths would work well for a late 50's, PAF Gibson tone while the Phat Cats will be closer to a P-90 Gibson tone.

They both sound fantastic in a 335 style axe. In fact, I rotate a pair of Seths with a pair of Phats in my Sheraton because I can't decide which I like better.

I'm not too familiar with P90's in general, do they warm up nicely?

seth's or antiquities ... 59's could get it done too

i'd say AIIPs before PGs in A2 mags

good luck

^Those guys aren't lyin...

There used to be a guy one here (sorry if he still comes around, I just never see him) Marin (marinblues). He had a lot of clips using Seths in his 335 copy. It was all jazz/blues, and maaan he was good! KILLER tone. Maybe he's a famous musician in Italy now? HA. Here's his soundclick.. from : localhost/

Originally Posted by loudriver23I'm not too familiar with P90's in general, do they warm up nicely?For dirty sounds, listen to quot;Mississippi Queenquot; by Mountain. Very big sounding. Big and FAT!!!

A set of Seths is a great idea, though depending on how much beef your semi-hollow has naturally, you might want something a little hotter in the bridge since you want some classic rock tones too. Unfortunately there just ain't enough quot;overwound PAFquot; type pickups around (9 to 10k) and Seymour doesn't make any, at least last I checked.

Fralin will make them to order in that range though, a little bit pricier but not outrageous.

Bare Knuckle makes a lot of pickups in that range (VH II, Black Dog) but they are pretty pricey.

I have the Ibanez Artcore AS73. I guess that's what you have. I put a Jazz on the neck and a JB on the bridge and split them with a Push/Pull pot. It was quite a job to change the pickups in a semi-hollow body but I did it. I play mostly Jazz, Classic Rock, Blues and some Country and Ballads with the pickups splitted and I am happy with the axe. Actually I think the stock pickups sounded pretty nice, but the combination I have is better and more versatile.

I like alnico 2 pickups in semi hollowbody guitars and the Seth Lovers would be wonderful for the warm, jazzy, bluesy, classic rock tones you seem to be after. They'll give your 335 the tone of a '58 ES-335.

I like a hotter than vintage bridge pickup so I use my Seth Lover Neck with a Custom Custom Bridge. That way I get a great warm cleanish tone from the neck pickup and a hotter, more rock oriented tone from the CC in the bridge position.

If you wanted a brighter, more 60's tone, a set of 59's would be my suggestion and then your guitar would sound more like Larry Carlton's '66 ES-335.


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