Afternoon All
Have looked through some of the previous threads but cant find exactly what
i am looking for.
Can I change part of a sheet name eg Gauge Recal 06-01-06 to Thread Recal
In addition do this for all sheet names with Gauge at the front?
One way:
Public Sub ChangeGaugeToThread()
Dim ws As Worksheet
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
With ws
If .Name Like quot;Gauge*quot; Then _
.Name = quot;Threadquot; amp; Mid(.Name, 6)
End With
Next ws
End Sub
In article gt;,
quot;Ajayquot; gt; wrote:
gt; Afternoon All
gt; Have looked through some of the previous threads but cant find exactly what
gt; i am looking for.
gt; Can I change part of a sheet name eg Gauge Recal 06-01-06 to Thread Recal
gt; 06-01-06?
gt; In addition do this for all sheet names with Gauge at the front?
gt; TIA
gt; Ajay
Excellent so simple
Many thanks
quot;JE McGimpseyquot; wrote:
gt; One way:
gt; Public Sub ChangeGaugeToThread()
gt; Dim ws As Worksheet
gt; For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
gt; With ws
gt; If .Name Like quot;Gauge*quot; Then _
gt; .Name = quot;Threadquot; amp; Mid(.Name, 6)
gt; End With
gt; Next ws
gt; End Sub
gt; In article gt;,
gt; quot;Ajayquot; gt; wrote:
gt; gt; Afternoon All
gt; gt; Have looked through some of the previous threads but cant find exactly what
gt; gt; i am looking for.
gt; gt; Can I change part of a sheet name eg Gauge Recal 06-01-06 to Thread Recal
gt; gt; 06-01-06?
gt; gt;
gt; gt; In addition do this for all sheet names with Gauge at the front?
gt; gt;
gt; gt; TIA
gt; gt; Ajay
- Sep 10 Mon 2007 20:39
Worksheet names