Hi All.
I have a few files that are being saved down as .UBE extensions, but they
are really comma delimited files. Is there a way to have the .UBE associated
so that Excel will open and parse the file like it does with a .CSV? I can
get it so that Excel opens the file, butit does not parse it.... any ideas?
I know the easiest way is to simply rename the files, but in this case I
have users everywhere that would have trouble doing that, and I want to find
an easier way for them.
Why not record a macro importing the file using comma as a delimiter and
then just use this each time
Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England
HISquot;Mario Colonquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Hi All.
gt; I have a few files that are being saved down as .UBE extensions, but they
gt; are really comma delimited files. Is there a way to have the .UBE
gt; associated
gt; so that Excel will open and parse the file like it does with a .CSV? I
gt; can
gt; get it so that Excel opens the file, butit does not parse it.... any
gt; ideas?
gt; I know the easiest way is to simply rename the files, but in this case I
gt; have users everywhere that would have trouble doing that, and I want to
gt; find
gt; an easier way for them.
gt; Thanks,
gt; Mario
We have a few hundred people that would use this functionality and I was
hoping to be able to push this out through the registry. So there is no way
to associate another extension to do what a .CSV extgension does?
quot;Nick Hodgequot; wrote:
gt; Mario
gt; Why not record a macro importing the file using comma as a delimiter and
gt; then just use this each time
gt; --
gt; HTH
gt; Nick Hodge
gt; Microsoft MVP - Excel
gt; Southampton, England
gt; www.nickhodge.co.uk
gt; HIS
gt; quot;Mario Colonquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt; Hi All.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I have a few files that are being saved down as .UBE extensions, but they
gt; gt; are really comma delimited files. Is there a way to have the .UBE
gt; gt; associated
gt; gt; so that Excel will open and parse the file like it does with a .CSV? I
gt; gt; can
gt; gt; get it so that Excel opens the file, butit does not parse it.... any
gt; gt; ideas?
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I know the easiest way is to simply rename the files, but in this case I
gt; gt; have users everywhere that would have trouble doing that, and I want to
gt; gt; find
gt; gt; an easier way for them.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Thanks,
gt; gt; Mario
Have you tried associating your *.ube extension with Excel? Does it work as
a csv?
Nick Hodge
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Southampton, England
HISquot;Mario Colonquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; We have a few hundred people that would use this functionality and I was
gt; hoping to be able to push this out through the registry. So there is no
gt; way
gt; to associate another extension to do what a .CSV extgension does?
gt; quot;Nick Hodgequot; wrote:
gt;gt; Mario
gt;gt; Why not record a macro importing the file using comma as a delimiter and
gt;gt; then just use this each time
gt;gt; --
gt;gt; HTH
gt;gt; Nick Hodge
gt;gt; Microsoft MVP - Excel
gt;gt; Southampton, England
gt;gt; www.nickhodge.co.uk
gt;gt; HIS
gt;gt; quot;Mario Colonquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;gt; ...
gt;gt; gt; Hi All.
gt;gt; gt;
gt;gt; gt; I have a few files that are being saved down as .UBE extensions, but
gt;gt; gt; they
gt;gt; gt; are really comma delimited files. Is there a way to have the .UBE
gt;gt; gt; associated
gt;gt; gt; so that Excel will open and parse the file like it does with a .CSV? I
gt;gt; gt; can
gt;gt; gt; get it so that Excel opens the file, butit does not parse it.... any
gt;gt; gt; ideas?
gt;gt; gt;
gt;gt; gt; I know the easiest way is to simply rename the files, but in this case
gt;gt; gt; I
gt;gt; gt; have users everywhere that would have trouble doing that, and I want to
gt;gt; gt; find
gt;gt; gt; an easier way for them.
gt;gt; gt;
gt;gt; gt; Thanks,
gt;gt; gt; Mario
- Sep 10 Mon 2007 20:39
Open file as a CSV