
Can I have the macro code which would disable 'cut amp; paste' but at the
same time allow 'copy amp; paste' in a workbook.--
v.harikrish's Profile:;userid=31882
View this thread: code may help you. It also disables Copy but I commented those
sections out. Note that to disable Cut you also have to turn off Drag and
Drop, and disable Tools, Options so that Damp;D cannot be turned back on.

Dim DragDrop As Boolean

''Run this is disable Cut
Sub SetEunuchMode()
CopyCutOff False
End Sub

Sub SetRegMode()
CopyCutOff True
End Sub

Sub CopyCutOff(OnOff As Boolean)
SetCtrl 21, OnOff ''Cut
'SetCtrl 19, OnOff ''Copy
SetCtrl 522, OnOff ''Options
CtrlKeys OnOff
CtrlDragDrop OnOff

''This controls whether
''View, Toolbars is enabled
''Commandbars context menu is enabled.
CommandBars(quot;Toolbar Listquot;).Enabled = OnOff

If Val(Application.Version) gt;= 10 Then SetDisableCustomize OnOff
End Sub

Sub SetCtrl(CtrlNum As Integer, Allow As Boolean)
Dim Ctrls As CommandBarControls
Dim Ctrl As CommandBarControl
Set Ctrls = CommandBars.FindControls(, CtrlNum)
If Not Ctrls Is Nothing Then
For Each Ctrl In Ctrls
Ctrl.Enabled = Allow
End If
End Sub

Sub CtrlKeys(Allow As Boolean)
With Application
If Allow Then
.OnKey quot;^xquot;
.OnKey quot; {DELETE}quot;
'.OnKey quot;^cquot;
'.OnKey quot;^{INSERT}quot;
.OnKey quot;^xquot;, quot;quot;
.OnKey quot; {DELETE}quot;, quot;quot;
'.OnKey quot;^cquot;, quot;quot;
'.OnKey quot;^{INSERT}quot;, quot;quot;
End If
End With
End Sub

Sub CtrlDragDrop(Allow As Boolean)
With Application
If Allow Then
.CellDragAndDrop = DragDrop
Else ''Kill
DragDrop = .CellDragAndDrop ''Save user's setting
.CellDragAndDrop = False
End If
End With
End Sub

''Must be in a sub that is only called if running Excel 2002 or later
''This controls whether
'' Customize menuitem appears on View, Toolbars **
'' Customize menuitem appears on commandbars context menu **
'' Customize dialog appears when toolbar area is double-clicked
'' Tools, Customize is enabled
''** These two effects aren't actually needed when
'' CommandBars(quot;Toolbar Listquot;).Enabled = False is run as
'' above since the entire Toolbars menu is disabled but
'' no harm and we need the other two effects.
Sub SetDisableCustomize(OnOff As Boolean)
Application.CommandBars.DisableCustomize = Not OnOff
End Sub--
quot;v.harikrishquot; gt;
wrote in message
| Can I have the macro code which would disable 'cut amp; paste' but at the
| same time allow 'copy amp; paste' in a workbook.
| --
| v.harikrish
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------
| v.harikrish's Profile:;userid=31882
| View this thread:

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