
I have a simple sum problem. I have the following data entered. The sum total
in excel =49.604
When you add these up it should read 49.607
What the heck is going on?
Kind regards,

Niek Otten

quot;scottquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;I have a simple sum problem. I have the following data entered. The sum
gt; in excel =49.604
gt; When you add these up it should read 49.607
gt; What the heck is going on?
gt; Scott
gt; 1.802
gt; 2.337
gt; 1.942
gt; 1.330
gt; 0.885
gt; 1.910
gt; 1.780
gt; 2.927
gt; 2.413
gt; 2.617
gt; 1.297
gt; 0.522
gt; 2.453
gt; 2.582
gt; 2.388
gt; 1.453
gt; 1.751
gt; 0.794
gt; 0.769
gt; 2.170
gt; 1.689
gt; 2.391
gt; 2.007
gt; 1.265
gt; 1.081
gt; 0.821
gt; 1.761
gt; 2.470
gt; 0.000
gt; 0.000
gt; 0.000

Thanks but I do not understand how to enter the formula, to make it work

quot;Niek Ottenquot; wrote:

gt; --
gt; Kind regards,
gt; Niek Otten
gt; quot;scottquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt;I have a simple sum problem. I have the following data entered. The sum
gt; gt;total
gt; gt; in excel =49.604
gt; gt; When you add these up it should read 49.607
gt; gt; What the heck is going on?
gt; gt; Scott
gt; gt; 1.802
gt; gt; 2.337
gt; gt; 1.942
gt; gt; 1.330
gt; gt; 0.885
gt; gt; 1.910
gt; gt; 1.780
gt; gt; 2.927
gt; gt; 2.413
gt; gt; 2.617
gt; gt; 1.297
gt; gt; 0.522
gt; gt; 2.453
gt; gt; 2.582
gt; gt; 2.388
gt; gt; 1.453
gt; gt; 1.751
gt; gt; 0.794
gt; gt; 0.769
gt; gt; 2.170
gt; gt; 1.689
gt; gt; 2.391
gt; gt; 2.007
gt; gt; 1.265
gt; gt; 1.081
gt; gt; 0.821
gt; gt; 1.761
gt; gt; 2.470
gt; gt; 0.000
gt; gt; 0.000
gt; gt; 0.000
gt; gt;

I checked the persision and it said it may effect accuracey is this going to
be a big problem i have allot of calulations going on envoling decimal points

quot;Niek Ottenquot; wrote:

gt; --
gt; Kind regards,
gt; Niek Otten
gt; quot;scottquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt;I have a simple sum problem. I have the following data entered. The sum
gt; gt;total
gt; gt; in excel =49.604
gt; gt; When you add these up it should read 49.607
gt; gt; What the heck is going on?
gt; gt; Scott
gt; gt; 1.802
gt; gt; 2.337
gt; gt; 1.942
gt; gt; 1.330
gt; gt; 0.885
gt; gt; 1.910
gt; gt; 1.780
gt; gt; 2.927
gt; gt; 2.413
gt; gt; 2.617
gt; gt; 1.297
gt; gt; 0.522
gt; gt; 2.453
gt; gt; 2.582
gt; gt; 2.388
gt; gt; 1.453
gt; gt; 1.751
gt; gt; 0.794
gt; gt; 0.769
gt; gt; 2.170
gt; gt; 1.689
gt; gt; 2.391
gt; gt; 2.007
gt; gt; 1.265
gt; gt; 1.081
gt; gt; 0.821
gt; gt; 1.761
gt; gt; 2.470
gt; gt; 0.000
gt; gt; 0.000
gt; gt; 0.000
gt; gt;

It depends on what you require.

If you don't want to lose any accuracy, format all your numbers as General
and widen the column so you see all decimals. You may find that the numbers
now look different from before.

If you insist on calculating with 3 decimals, either use the ROUND()
function for all of the numbers or apply Precision as displayed.

Kind regards,

Niek Otten

quot;scottquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Niek
gt; I checked the persision and it said it may effect accuracey is this going
gt; to
gt; be a big problem i have allot of calulations going on envoling decimal
gt; points
gt; scott
gt; quot;Niek Ottenquot; wrote:
gt;gt; --
gt;gt; Kind regards,
gt;gt; Niek Otten
gt;gt; quot;scottquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;gt; ...
gt;gt; gt;I have a simple sum problem. I have the following data entered. The sum
gt;gt; gt;total
gt;gt; gt; in excel =49.604
gt;gt; gt; When you add these up it should read 49.607
gt;gt; gt; What the heck is going on?
gt;gt; gt; Scott
gt;gt; gt; 1.802
gt;gt; gt; 2.337
gt;gt; gt; 1.942
gt;gt; gt; 1.330
gt;gt; gt; 0.885
gt;gt; gt; 1.910
gt;gt; gt; 1.780
gt;gt; gt; 2.927
gt;gt; gt; 2.413
gt;gt; gt; 2.617
gt;gt; gt; 1.297
gt;gt; gt; 0.522
gt;gt; gt; 2.453
gt;gt; gt; 2.582
gt;gt; gt; 2.388
gt;gt; gt; 1.453
gt;gt; gt; 1.751
gt;gt; gt; 0.794
gt;gt; gt; 0.769
gt;gt; gt; 2.170
gt;gt; gt; 1.689
gt;gt; gt; 2.391
gt;gt; gt; 2.007
gt;gt; gt; 1.265
gt;gt; gt; 1.081
gt;gt; gt; 0.821
gt;gt; gt; 1.761
gt;gt; gt; 2.470
gt;gt; gt; 0.000
gt;gt; gt; 0.000
gt;gt; gt; 0.000
gt;gt; gt;
I hate to be a bother but the format doesn't work. Does checking the persion
button effect very much. Also with the information I have how do I use the
round function I can not seem to get it to work. I just want to sum that
column with the correct number. Sorry Hope you can help
Scottquot;Niek Ottenquot; wrote:

gt; It depends on what you require.
gt; If you don't want to lose any accuracy, format all your numbers as General
gt; and widen the column so you see all decimals. You may find that the numbers
gt; now look different from before.
gt; If you insist on calculating with 3 decimals, either use the ROUND()
gt; function for all of the numbers or apply Precision as displayed.
gt; --
gt; Kind regards,
gt; Niek Otten
gt; quot;scottquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt; Niek
gt; gt; I checked the persision and it said it may effect accuracey is this going
gt; gt; to
gt; gt; be a big problem i have allot of calulations going on envoling decimal
gt; gt; points
gt; gt; scott
gt; gt;
gt; gt; quot;Niek Ottenquot; wrote:
gt; gt;
gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt;gt; --
gt; gt;gt; Kind regards,
gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt;gt; Niek Otten
gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt;gt; quot;scottquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; gt;gt; ...
gt; gt;gt; gt;I have a simple sum problem. I have the following data entered. The sum
gt; gt;gt; gt;total
gt; gt;gt; gt; in excel =49.604
gt; gt;gt; gt; When you add these up it should read 49.607
gt; gt;gt; gt; What the heck is going on?
gt; gt;gt; gt; Scott
gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.802
gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.337
gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.942
gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.330
gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.885
gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.910
gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.780
gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.927
gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.413
gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.617
gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.297
gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.522
gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.453
gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.582
gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.388
gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.453
gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.751
gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.794
gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.769
gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.170
gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.689
gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.391
gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.007
gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.265
gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.081
gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.821
gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.761
gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.470
gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.000
gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.000
gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.000
gt; gt;gt; gt;
gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt;gt;


The numbers you see are not necessarily the actual values, whilst the SUM
works on the actual values. You can get it to SUM as seen with


which is an array formula, it should be committed with Ctrl-Shift-Enter, not
just Enter.


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

quot;scottquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Niek
gt; I hate to be a bother but the format doesn't work. Does checking the
gt; button effect very much. Also with the information I have how do I use the
gt; round function I can not seem to get it to work. I just want to sum that
gt; column with the correct number. Sorry Hope you can help
gt; Scott
gt; quot;Niek Ottenquot; wrote:
gt; gt; It depends on what you require.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; If you don't want to lose any accuracy, format all your numbers as
gt; gt; and widen the column so you see all decimals. You may find that the
gt; gt; now look different from before.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; If you insist on calculating with 3 decimals, either use the ROUND()
gt; gt; function for all of the numbers or apply Precision as displayed.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; --
gt; gt; Kind regards,
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Niek Otten
gt; gt;
gt; gt; quot;scottquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; gt; ...
gt; gt; gt; Niek
gt; gt; gt; I checked the persision and it said it may effect accuracey is this
gt; gt; gt; to
gt; gt; gt; be a big problem i have allot of calulations going on envoling decimal
gt; gt; gt; points
gt; gt; gt; scott
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; quot;Niek Ottenquot; wrote:
gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt; gt;gt; --
gt; gt; gt;gt; Kind regards,
gt; gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt; gt;gt; Niek Otten
gt; gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt; gt;gt; quot;scottquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; gt; gt;gt; ...
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt;I have a simple sum problem. I have the following data entered. The
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt;total
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; in excel =49.604
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; When you add these up it should read 49.607
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; What the heck is going on?
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; Scott
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.802
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.337
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.942
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.330
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.885
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.910
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.780
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.927
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.413
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.617
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.297
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.522
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.453
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.582
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.388
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.453
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.751
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.794
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.769
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.170
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.689
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.391
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.007
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.265
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.081
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.821
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.761
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.470
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.000
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.000
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.000
gt; gt; gt;gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt; gt;gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt;

I don't get it. I copied/pasted your numbers into excel, came up with 49.607

Tools/Options/precision as displayed not checked.

Formatted as quot;generalquot;

What formulas are you using to get the number in the column, and what
formula add them for you?

Beegequot;scottquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;I have a simple sum problem. I have the following data entered. The sum
gt; in excel =49.604
gt; When you add these up it should read 49.607
gt; What the heck is going on?
gt; Scott
gt; 1.802
gt; 2.337
gt; 1.942
gt; 1.330
gt; 0.885
gt; 1.910
gt; 1.780
gt; 2.927
gt; 2.413
gt; 2.617
gt; 1.297
gt; 0.522
gt; 2.453
gt; 2.582
gt; 2.388
gt; 1.453
gt; 1.751
gt; 0.794
gt; 0.769
gt; 2.170
gt; 1.689
gt; 2.391
gt; 2.007
gt; 1.265
gt; 1.081
gt; 0.821
gt; 1.761
gt; 2.470
gt; 0.000
gt; 0.000
gt; 0.000
He has the display format at 3 dec places, so many numbers are probably
smaller, but the presentation is rounded up.


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

quot;Beegequot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Scott
gt; I don't get it. I copied/pasted your numbers into excel, came up with
gt; Tools/Options/precision as displayed not checked.
gt; Formatted as quot;generalquot;
gt; What formulas are you using to get the number in the column, and what
gt; formula add them for you?
gt; Beege
gt; quot;scottquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; ...
gt; gt;I have a simple sum problem. I have the following data entered. The sum
gt; gt;total
gt; gt; in excel =49.604
gt; gt; When you add these up it should read 49.607
gt; gt; What the heck is going on?
gt; gt; Scott
gt; gt; 1.802
gt; gt; 2.337
gt; gt; 1.942
gt; gt; 1.330
gt; gt; 0.885
gt; gt; 1.910
gt; gt; 1.780
gt; gt; 2.927
gt; gt; 2.413
gt; gt; 2.617
gt; gt; 1.297
gt; gt; 0.522
gt; gt; 2.453
gt; gt; 2.582
gt; gt; 2.388
gt; gt; 1.453
gt; gt; 1.751
gt; gt; 0.794
gt; gt; 0.769
gt; gt; 2.170
gt; gt; 1.689
gt; gt; 2.391
gt; gt; 2.007
gt; gt; 1.265
gt; gt; 1.081
gt; gt; 0.821
gt; gt; 1.761
gt; gt; 2.470
gt; gt; 0.000
gt; gt; 0.000
gt; gt; 0.000
gt; gt;
Please be a bit more specific. What is the format? What do you see? Did you
widen the column? What do you mean with quot;whole numberquot;? To see all the
digits or to see the integer part only (what math people would call a whole
number, strange enough)?

Please tell us where you get the numbers from (formulas? what formulas? what
values?), what the formatting string is, whether you widened the column,
what you see, what your SUM formula is, how you formatted that one, what you
see there, etc.--
Kind regards,

Niek Otten

quot;scottquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Niek
gt; I hate to be a bother but the format doesn't work. Does checking the
gt; persion
gt; button effect very much. Also with the information I have how do I use the
gt; round function I can not seem to get it to work. I just want to sum that
gt; column with the correct number. Sorry Hope you can help
gt; Scott
gt; quot;Niek Ottenquot; wrote:
gt;gt; It depends on what you require.
gt;gt; If you don't want to lose any accuracy, format all your numbers as
gt;gt; General
gt;gt; and widen the column so you see all decimals. You may find that the
gt;gt; numbers
gt;gt; now look different from before.
gt;gt; If you insist on calculating with 3 decimals, either use the ROUND()
gt;gt; function for all of the numbers or apply Precision as displayed.
gt;gt; --
gt;gt; Kind regards,
gt;gt; Niek Otten
gt;gt; quot;scottquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;gt; ...
gt;gt; gt; Niek
gt;gt; gt; I checked the persision and it said it may effect accuracey is this
gt;gt; gt; going
gt;gt; gt; to
gt;gt; gt; be a big problem i have allot of calulations going on envoling decimal
gt;gt; gt; points
gt;gt; gt; scott
gt;gt; gt;
gt;gt; gt; quot;Niek Ottenquot; wrote:
gt;gt; gt;
gt;gt; gt;gt;
gt;gt; gt;gt;
gt;gt; gt;gt;
gt;gt; gt;gt; --
gt;gt; gt;gt; Kind regards,
gt;gt; gt;gt;
gt;gt; gt;gt; Niek Otten
gt;gt; gt;gt;
gt;gt; gt;gt; quot;scottquot; gt; wrote in message
gt;gt; gt;gt; ...
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt;I have a simple sum problem. I have the following data entered. The
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt;sum
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt;total
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; in excel =49.604
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; When you add these up it should read 49.607
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; What the heck is going on?
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; Scott
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.802
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.337
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.942
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.330
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.885
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.910
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.780
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.927
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.413
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.617
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.297
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.522
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.453
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.582
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.388
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.453
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.751
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.794
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.769
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.170
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.689
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.391
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.007
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.265
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.081
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.821
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 1.761
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 2.470
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.000
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.000
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt; 0.000
gt;gt; gt;gt; gt;
gt;gt; gt;gt;
gt;gt; gt;gt;
gt;gt; gt;gt;

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