Hi, this might be difficult for me to explain, so I'll use an example.
I have several columns that look like this:
132 0 0
234 0 0
456 0 0
0 678 0
0 890 0
0 0 275
They are the result of an if import. I want another worksheet to display A B
and C With their numbers right at the top, and no zeroes to follow.
Essentially, I think I want to display all non empty cells (like the filter
function), but for several columns, all displaying their non-zeroes at the
top. Let me know if this is unclear.
using =large(range,1) will display the largest number
=large(range,23) will display the 23rd largest number
do the numbers have to be in the order they occur?--
robert111's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31996
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=528040No, not necessarily, however, all of them do have to appear. I think this may
answer my question, in that I can just use the large function several times
and have them displayed in order. Many thanks.
quot;robert111quot; wrote:
gt; using =large(range,1) will display the largest number
gt; =large(range,23) will display the 23rd largest number
gt; do the numbers have to be in the order they occur?
gt; --
gt; robert111
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; robert111's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=31996
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=528040
On Thu, 30 Mar 2006 03:38:03 -0800, iago gt;
gt;Hi, this might be difficult for me to explain, so I'll use an example.
gt;I have several columns that look like this:
gt;A B C
gt;132 0 0
gt;234 0 0
gt;456 0 0
gt;0 678 0
gt;0 890 0
gt;0 0 275
gt;They are the result of an if import. I want another worksheet to display A B
gt;and C With their numbers right at the top, and no zeroes to follow.
gt;Essentially, I think I want to display all non empty cells (like the filter
gt;function), but for several columns, all displaying their non-zeroes at the
gt;top. Let me know if this is unclear.
One way, if sorting is acceptable, would be to
Edit/Copy Paste Special Values from Sheet1 to Sheet2
Then sort each column individually in Descending order.
If you want to retain the same order as in the original, and have the result be
dynamic, then, with your data in Sheet1!A1:C10:
SUMPRODUCT(--ISBLANK(Sheet1!A$1:A$10)) ROW())))
Change the quot;A$10quot; term to reflect the extent of your actual range. Blank rows
are acceptable to be included in the range.
This formula must be **array-entered**. After you type or paste the formula
into the cell, confirm it by holding down lt;ctrlgt;lt;shiftgt; while you hit lt;entergt;.
Excel will place braces {...} around the formula.
After you have entered the formula, you can select it and copy/drag down as far
as needed; and then select that column and copy drag to the right to column C.--ron
I have a similar problem. On sheet 2 I have data imported from sheet 1.
However there are 0 and blanks in between the rows of data. I want to display
only the non blank or non zero cells.
I tried the formula below on sheet 2 but it gave me quot;too few arguments for
this functionquot; error message.
=IF(ROW()gt;SUMPRODUCT(--(Sheet1!AR$9:AR$5000lt;gt;0)),quot;quot;,INDEX(Sheet1!AR$9:AR$ 5000,SMALL((Sheet1!AR$9:AR$5000lt;gt;0)*SUMPRODUCT(--ISBLANK(Sheet1!AR$9:AR$5000)) ROW())))
Thanks for the help.
quot;Ron Rosenfeldquot; wrote:
gt; On Thu, 30 Mar 2006 03:38:03 -0800, iago gt;
gt; wrote:
gt; gt;Hi, this might be difficult for me to explain, so I'll use an example.
gt; gt;I have several columns that look like this:
gt; gt;
gt; gt;A B C
gt; gt;132 0 0
gt; gt;234 0 0
gt; gt;456 0 0
gt; gt;0 678 0
gt; gt;0 890 0
gt; gt;0 0 275
gt; gt;
gt; gt;They are the result of an if import. I want another worksheet to display A B
gt; gt;and C With their numbers right at the top, and no zeroes to follow.
gt; gt;Essentially, I think I want to display all non empty cells (like the filter
gt; gt;function), but for several columns, all displaying their non-zeroes at the
gt; gt;top. Let me know if this is unclear.
gt; One way, if sorting is acceptable, would be to
gt; Edit/Copy Paste Special Values from Sheet1 to Sheet2
gt; Then sort each column individually in Descending order.
gt; ========================
gt; If you want to retain the same order as in the original, and have the result be
gt; dynamic, then, with your data in Sheet1!A1:C10:
gt; Sheet2!A1:
gt; =IF(ROW()gt;SUMPRODUCT(--(Sheet1!A$1:A$10lt;gt;0)),quot;quot;,
gt; INDEX(Sheet1!A$1:A$10,SMALL((Sheet1!A$1:A$10lt;gt;0)*
gt; ROW(Sheet1!A$1:A$10),COUNTIF(Sheet1!A$1:A$10,0)
gt; SUMPRODUCT(--ISBLANK(Sheet1!A$1:A$10)) ROW())))
gt; Change the quot;A$10quot; term to reflect the extent of your actual range. Blank rows
gt; are acceptable to be included in the range.
gt; This formula must be **array-entered**. After you type or paste the formula
gt; into the cell, confirm it by holding down lt;ctrlgt;lt;shiftgt; while you hit lt;entergt;.
gt; Excel will place braces {...} around the formula.
gt; After you have entered the formula, you can select it and copy/drag down as far
gt; as needed; and then select that column and copy drag to the right to column C.
gt; --ron
- Sep 10 Mon 2007 20:39
how to return non empty cells over several columns