I have the following data:
(The product/part/qty data is being pulled from a company database, and I am
constantly required to add and remove products as they are introduced/expire.)
Product Part QTY
one a 2
one b 3
one a 4
two a 5
I am tring to generate a pivot table that will show me how many different
products part a is used on, but currently when I generate the table it would
show me part A being used on 3 products when actually it should be 2, as it
is used in product One at two different locations in the process(process used
at is extracted from database also)
How can I make it show as being used in 2 Products?????
Thanks in Advanced
A pivot table won't count unique values. Perhaps you could use formulas
outside of the pivot table to count the products per part.
www.contextures.com/xlPivot07.html#UniqueCrimsonPlague29 wrote:
gt; Hello,
gt; I have the following data:
gt; (The product/part/qty data is being pulled from a company database, and I am
gt; constantly required to add and remove products as they are introduced/expire.)
gt; Product Part QTY
gt; one a 2
gt; one b 3
gt; one a 4
gt; two a 5
gt; I am tring to generate a pivot table that will show me how many different
gt; products part a is used on, but currently when I generate the table it would
gt; show me part A being used on 3 products when actually it should be 2, as it
gt; is used in product One at two different locations in the process(process used
gt; at is extracted from database also)
gt; How can I make it show as being used in 2 Products?????
gt; Thanks in Advanced--
Debra Dalgleish
www.contextures.com/tiptech.htmlThanks, works great. Appreciate all the help, from everyone, I have been
asked to take on ownership of alot of the databases creation/maintenance of
excel databases recently I have had to really brush up on all my Excel skills
quot;CrimsonPlague29quot; wrote:
gt; Hello,
gt; I have the following data:
gt; (The product/part/qty data is being pulled from a company database, and I am
gt; constantly required to add and remove products as they are introduced/expire.)
gt; Product Part QTY
gt; one a 2
gt; one b 3
gt; one a 4
gt; two a 5
gt; I am tring to generate a pivot table that will show me how many different
gt; products part a is used on, but currently when I generate the table it would
gt; show me part A being used on 3 products when actually it should be 2, as it
gt; is used in product One at two different locations in the process(process used
gt; at is extracted from database also)
gt; How can I make it show as being used in 2 Products?????
gt; Thanks in Advanced
- Sep 10 Mon 2007 20:39
Comibining Common Data in a Pivot Table