
Well, since it looks like I´m putting a rack together again, I ´ll need a new tuner since stupid me sold his Petersen.

Obviously I´m spoiled by the Petersen, and it´s 100% sure I´ll buy a new one if the rack lasts... but for the time being something like one of those Korg thingies will suffice..

Any recommendations??

You sold your peterson???

I would sell my left nut before I would use another tuner!!!


Korg makes a pretty good rackmount tuner. Don't know what we're talking about when you say quot;cheapquot;, but you get what you pay for. Good equipment costs money, unless it's used (which is why I usually buy used!).

Korg, baby ... go with the Korg. Accurate and bullet proof.

Originally Posted by TwilightOdysseyKorg, baby ... go with the Korg. Accurate and bullet proof.

are you 100% sure about the bullet proof thing?Have you tested this out? cause my ca-30 probably isnt bullet proof, its not even idiot proof.(found that out myself )

Originally Posted by TwilightOdysseyKorg, baby ... go with the Korg. Accurate and bullet proof.

My guitar teacher had one of those, it was like a bloody light house!

Seemed like a good piece of kit

Originally Posted by Nite_Maresz_25are you 100% sure about the bullet proof thing?Have you tested this out? cause my ca-30 probably isnt bullet proof, its not even idiot proof.(found that out myself )

HA! Yes, I've put a bullet into mine and it kept working!

Originally Posted by TwilightOdysseyHA! Yes, I've put a bullet into mine and it kept working!

love mine, except it shows everything # instead of b...what i mean is it shows an Eb as a D#...

Originally Posted by TwilightOdysseyHA! Yes, I've put a bullet into mine and it kept working!

I must see proof of this. Got pics?

zerb, zerb ...

with your luck at the moment, you'll prolly get a petersen for $50 .. and a couple of months later when you're broke cos of all the gear buying, i'll be there with a couple of benjis to help you out what else are friends for?

Originally Posted by Nite_Maresz_25are you 100% sure about the bullet proof thing?Have you tested this out? cause my ca-30 probably isnt bullet proof, its not even idiot proof.(found that out myself )

The Korg rack tuners are of much higher quality than their cheap plastic chromatic tuners.

And I second the Korg, or get another Peterson. It may not be rack, but as far as tuners go, it's king.

The Korg DTR-1 tuner in my rack has been accurate and reliable for the last 4 years.

My idea of a rack tuner: a Boss TU-12H on Tatooed Carrot's avatar.

Originally Posted by sgstratMy idea of a rack tuner: a Boss TU-12H on Tatooed Carrot's avatar.


Well, I paid Dirk a visit, looked around, and ended up with one of those new Fender ones for 100€, RT-1000

Looks pretty cool, 5 cent LEDs is IMO accurate enough for live use, and I think if I decide to pimp the rack after all it´ll blend in perfectly

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