
i'm new to wiring... and i just can't figure out whats wrong with the wiring! i've followed the schematics from duncan perfectly (or so i think... looks damn perfect to me) and i come across these problems nearly every time...

-the pickups don't give their full output.. lack of sustain each time.. the reason i know this is because once i did have it perfectly wired in my epi les paul, but then my pickguard finally came in for my strat so i put them in my strat.. same problems again

-grounding buzz that just wont go away!

-too much buzz and the very least output you could possible imagine..

i have a strat 3-way switch, 500K audio taper pots, an SH-5 and an SH-2n

best regards!

I had a very similar if not exact same problem with my strat, and coincidently i use the same pickups, this may not help at all unless you wired your guitar with polywire, wire which has multiple strands of wire inside, the problems i had which are common wiring mistakes in general are dry solder joints (not enogh solder covering a contact point with the wire) not all of the polywire in contact with the joint. And also the common mistake of having wires which may touch each other or the sheilding tape on the pickgaurd itself. Hope this helps.

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