I want to retune my guitar to drop c. CGCFAD is it best to tune to 1 step down DCGFAD then drop to C with the fine tuning pegs? thanks
Is your bridge blocked or floating? If it's blocked, it won't matter too much, IF you have enough room on your fine tuners.
I think its floating
If you haven't done anything to it, it most likely is.
The best thing is to drop all the way to C with your regular tuners, then lock the nut, and fine tune. Dropping that much will definitely make you need to adjust your springs to compensate.
If you can fit a wedge of wood between the tremelo block and the guitar that is just the right size, you can tune the guitar then tighten the springs until just where the block falls free. If you've done a lot of retuning on a floyd, you probably have your own system or tricks for doing it, but I just read about that one and it seems like a good idea. You have to tighten the springs with the guitar facing up, though. It's a bit tricky.
Either way, just make sure you get it close with your regular tuners. Then lock the nut down.
I think blocking the trem might be the easiest solution. However, if you want to retain the use of the Floyd, expect to be tweaking the trem springs all the while you're retuning if you want your Floyd to be quot;levelquot;. I think you will be loosening the lag screws to get the drop tuning. Expect the process to take quite some time if you're anal about level Floyds like I am. If you're super anal, you will also have a truss-rod adjustment to deal with as dropping down might allow a reverse curvature of your neck if you keep your action low.
The easiest solution of all is probably to have another axe w/ standard bridge for alternate tunings.
If you're dropping your tuning that much you should think about going up a couple of string gauges. The relationship between tension and pitch is non-linear (actually exponential) so dropping the tuning by as much as a minor third represents a 30% drop in tension. Strings operate at their optimum efficiency when they are at about 40 -60% of their breaking strain, outside of that you get an increase in inharmonicity. the reduced tension also causes pitch distortion owing to stretching of the string between frets.
Originally Posted by JammerMattI think blocking the trem might be the easiest solution. However, if you want to retain the use of the Floyd, expect to be tweaking the trem springs all the while you're retuning if you want your Floyd to be quot;levelquot;. I think you will be loosening the lag screws to get the drop tuning. Expect the process to take quite some time if you're anal about level Floyds like I am. If you're super anal, you will also have a truss-rod adjustment to deal with as dropping down might allow a reverse curvature of your neck if you keep your action low.The pro trick is to block the trem temporarily with wedges either side of the block. This holds the bridge in position while you retune. You then take the front one out leaving the back one in place held by the excess tension on the strings. Adjusting the spring tension until this wedge comes loose balances the bridge perfectly. This is the way we do it when we have to make a living and can't afford to spend hours at it...
Also see my post above about string gauge and tension.Originally Posted by JammerMattThe easiest solution of all is probably to have another axe w/ standard bridge for alternate tunings.
think there is a need to loosen the springs
Originally Posted by octavedoctorThe pro trick is to block ...
Also see my post above about string gauge and tension.
I'll have to try this next time I swap out pups. Do you mind flying over here and doing that trick for me? It has to be my least favorite thing about owning a Floyd. Thanks Octave. Are you using wooden wedges?
Originally Posted by DesertRosethink there is a need to loosen the springs
I think so. If he's going to have less tension on the strings,then the spring will need to have less tension as well... that is if he wants his Floyd level. Sorta works like a see-saw. Alot of physics goes into those Floyds.
Originally Posted by JammerMattI'll have to try this next time I swap out pups. Do you mind flying over here and doing that trick for me? It has to be my least favorite thing about owning a Floyd. Thanks Octave. Are you using wooden wedges?
Usually,, although i've got a little device i made which i use when i don't have my full workshop facilities available, like when I'm on the road with the Floyd playing all those tedious stadium gigs (in my dreams of course!)
It's like a little T shaped thing with a screw going through one of the arms of the T which bears on the block while the other has a hook which hooks onto the inside of the trem cavity.
I'll see if i can whip up a quick piccie and hotlink it to here
Originally Posted by JammerMattAre you using wooden wedges?
My solution is not nearly as fancy as 8ve Dr's, but it works perfectly:
Use a JENGA BLOCK! Every house has one, and it works a treat!
Or Gripmaster used to make a nifty little took called the Tremo-lok... essentially a piece of plastic with a foam backing.....
Those of you that think while they read will have also had the Idea I´m about to give: a thin sheet of felt or similar soft material and the trem-cavity cover
- Sep 10 Fri 2010 21:00
Tuning a Floyd Rose