I'm trying to open Up a months worth of files usin a macro... and then
having the macro automaticly selecting all the information and pasting
it all to a new sheet.
I want the information paste just below the last information pasted.
I need to create a userform that just asks for the moth for which the
files are to be extracted and then open, copy and paste.
Can anyone help me???Hello,
I may be able to help.
You must send this information and much more toLocation of files.
Is there a common partname for all files? eg: date2005.xls
Are all this files in one folder or different folders.
Is select All info or are there headers in the sheet?
is there only one sheet in each workbook?
Please send the target book and one source book to me so I can determine the
See my stuff at
www.geocities.com/excelmarksway- -Mark
quot;MsLucyquot; wrote:
gt; I'm trying to open Up a months worth of files usin a macro... and then
gt; having the macro automaticly selecting all the information and pasting
gt; it all to a new sheet.
gt; I want the information paste just below the last information pasted.
gt; I need to create a userform that just asks for the moth for which the
gt; files are to be extracted and then open, copy and paste.
gt; Can anyone help me???
thanks for trying to help me with this....
There is one common partname for these files. I have one folder titled
quot;trbtix06quot; where I keep two sheets (TrbTk1G amp; Trbtk1D). The files i
need are saved as quot;TrbTk1G...quot; then they will have something like
quot;.01066.xls in which quot;01quot; is the month, quot;06quot; is the date, and quot;6quot; is
the date of the week. all the files are in one folder. I do need to do
a select all, there are not headers on the sheet.There is only one
sheet in each workbook....I will email you an example of our the sheets
I use.
- Sep 10 Mon 2007 20:39
Opening Multiple files and Copying the info all to one other sheet