
Question # 1

I have a pivot table that's laid out similar to below.
| Build Cell 1 |Build Cell 2
Part # |Prod A Prod B Prod C Prod D | Prod A Prod B Prod C Prod D
123 |3 1 | 3 1
456 |41 | 2
789 |5 | 4
I would like it to look like the chart below. Only showing the products
that are being produced in that specific Cell automatically when the pivot is

| Build Cell 1 | Build Cell 2
Part # |Prod AProd B |Prod CProd D
123 |31 | 3 1
456 |41 | 2
789 |5 | 4

Question #2
How can you set the pivot table to automatically add a data column once it's
entered into the main data area without having to go into layout and manually
eg. add part # for product E and have it appear in the Cell 2 section

Thanks in advance for any help...

Unless you have the product field set to quot;Show items with no dataquot;,
products with no data for any part shouldn't appear in the pivot table.

Your source data should have a single field that stores the product
name, rather than a separate field for each product. Then, when you
refresh the pivot table, any new products would appear automatically.

To ensure that new rows or columns are included in the pivot source
data, you can base the pivot table on a dynamic range. There are
instructions he

CrimsonPlague29 wrote:
gt; Question # 1
gt; I have a pivot table that's laid out similar to below.
gt; | Build Cell 1 |Build Cell 2
gt; ----------|--------------------------------------|--------------------------------------
gt; Part # |Prod A Prod B Prod C Prod D | Prod A Prod B Prod C Prod D
gt; 123 |3 1 | 3 1
gt; 456 |41 | 2
gt; 789 |5 | 4
gt; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; I would like it to look like the chart below. Only showing the products
gt; that are being produced in that specific Cell automatically when the pivot is
gt; created.
gt; | Build Cell 1 | Build Cell 2
gt; --------|---------------------------|---------------------------
gt; Part # |Prod AProd B |Prod CProd D
gt; 123 |31 | 3 1
gt; 456 |41 | 2
gt; 789 |5 | 4
gt; Question #2
gt; How can you set the pivot table to automatically add a data column once it's
gt; entered into the main data area without having to go into layout and manually
gt; adding???
gt; eg. add part # for product E and have it appear in the Cell 2 section
gt; Thanks in advance for any help...
Debra Dalgleish
Contextures't have the single field had dual, changed it an works great.


quot;Debra Dalgleishquot; wrote:

gt; Unless you have the product field set to quot;Show items with no dataquot;,
gt; products with no data for any part shouldn't appear in the pivot table.
gt; Your source data should have a single field that stores the product
gt; name, rather than a separate field for each product. Then, when you
gt; refresh the pivot table, any new products would appear automatically.
gt; To ensure that new rows or columns are included in the pivot source
gt; data, you can base the pivot table on a dynamic range. There are
gt; instructions he
gt; CrimsonPlague29 wrote:
gt; gt; Question # 1
gt; gt;
gt; gt; I have a pivot table that's laid out similar to below.
gt; gt; | Build Cell 1 |Build Cell 2
gt; gt; ----------|--------------------------------------|--------------------------------------
gt; gt; Part # |Prod A Prod B Prod C Prod D | Prod A Prod B Prod C Prod D
gt; gt; 123 |3 1 | 3 1
gt; gt; 456 |41 | 2
gt; gt; 789 |5 | 4
gt; gt; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; gt; I would like it to look like the chart below. Only showing the products
gt; gt; that are being produced in that specific Cell automatically when the pivot is
gt; gt; created.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; | Build Cell 1 | Build Cell 2
gt; gt; --------|---------------------------|---------------------------
gt; gt; Part # |Prod AProd B |Prod CProd D
gt; gt; 123 |31 | 3 1
gt; gt; 456 |41 | 2
gt; gt; 789 |5 | 4
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Question #2
gt; gt; How can you set the pivot table to automatically add a data column once it's
gt; gt; entered into the main data area without having to go into layout and manually
gt; gt; adding???
gt; gt; eg. add part # for product E and have it appear in the Cell 2 section
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Thanks in advance for any help...
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; --
gt; Debra Dalgleish
gt; Contextures

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