
Like a Fender!?
I have a Peavey Classic 30 that I like. It has all JJ tubes and a Reverend All-tone speaker. It's a nice clean sounding amp with good tones....but...

I played a Fender Hot Rod Deluxe yesterday and it blew my socks off. The tone that came out of the amp was impressive and inspiring. I guess I would describe it as quot;warm and livelyquot;. The sound of my C30 is good...but maybe too sterile (?).

Any suggestions on further mods to the C30 to get that Fender sound? Darn! I just spend $120 on mods for my C30.

theres a bassman mod for peavey classics on

the speaker has a lot to do with it also, try a jensen c12n

my personal favorite is the eminence legend 125, which is what's in the hotrod amp; i think a lot of other new fenders, but it's not the classic kinda sound, more like neo-classic

Thanks Drew,
I was also thinking about throwing a different 12ax7 tube into the mix instead of having all of one Type (JJ).

well, the hotrod uses...gah can't remember if they're gt 12ax7r's or 12ax7c's, you can prolly find out on that hrdx unofficial page thing. But once again, if it's classic you're after, try a mullard reissue tube in v1, and maybe some electro harmonix

I don't entirely trust jj's, due to kcanostubes's thing about not carrying them due to a 25% rejection rate on their testing, and i really trust their standards

from : localhost/guitarist is using an ab165 bassman with the original cab, all electro harmonix 12ax7's, and an american strat. 'We Ride Tonight' should give you a good idea of how that sounds.

Keep in mind that the Peavey runs on EL34's and most Fenders run on either 6L6's or 6V6's (HR Deluxe runs on 6L's).

If you're digging the Fender sound, it might be easier to unload the Peavey and get yourself a clean used Hot Rod.

yeah, i think they sell for about the same

or maybe try a trade-in, depending on how cool the store is

Originally Posted by Benjy_26Keep in mind that the Peavey runs on EL34's

EL84's, actually.

You are absitively, posolutely, right.

I always get my EL types confused. From now on, I'll call the 34's 6CA7's.

The Hot Rod deluxe is tempting me, but I'd be increasing the power by 10 watts (from the C30)...and I'm using it in my home studio (in a house, not an apartment). I hope I can crank it up to where it needs to be without disturbing the neighbors.

Do you think 40 watts in the deluxe is too much for a home studio? I have a hollow body that might feedback at super high volumes...

the hot rod is WAAYYYY too loud for your application. i think the hot rods sound sterile compared to the C30! either way...i wouldnt go doing any more mods to the peavey because when it comes time for a new amp...a peavey is a peavey and it wont get you much unless u piece it out. stock classic 30 isnt sterile at all, infact, its warm and lively!

Originally Posted by TCWThe Hot Rod deluxe is tempting me, but I'd be increasing the power by 10 watts (from the C30)...and I'm using it in my home studio (in a house, not an apartment). I hope I can crank it up to where it needs to be without disturbing the neighbors.

Do you think 40 watts in the deluxe is too much for a home studio? I have a hollow body that might feedback at super high volumes...

actually going from 30w to 40w isnt a huge jump in volume. If 30 is ok 40 should be also...

My opinion would be to ditch the C30 and get an HRD if thats the tone your after.

Well, I do have some good baffles...and the studio is in a converted maybe 40 watts is still ok. I've just heard alot of comments about how loud the HRD is.

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