I was wondering if anyone can give me an explanation as to the difference in various output tubes. Particularly the Groove Tubes KT-88 and EL-34s. I checked the website and still don't know anymore than I started with. Any help would be appreciated.

Tough to generalize because the amp has a lot to do with the tone. I don't have experience with 88's. Everyone says 34's equal British tone, 6L6 equal the american tone... you just need to clear any previous conceptions and go play a bunch of different amps.

You might find this thread interesting.

thanks for the help. I really do appreciate it. I am still not sure which way is quot;betterquot; so I guess I will do some more research.

Originally Posted by blindedbysilencethanks for the help. I really do appreciate it. I am still not sure which way is quot;betterquot; so I guess I will do some more research.

In matters like this, no way is quot;betterquot;.
IMO it's a matter of balancing the desires of your ears and your pocketbook. My $0.02: Go with what sounds better to you until you can't justify the cost. If one thing sounds just as good as another, go with what's cheaper (assuming reliability is equal).

Much appreciated.

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