I found a Custom Custom on ebay for a great price, forgot to check my string spacing first (duh!!). What I have is an SH-11, but my existing HB in my Fat Strat is wider spacing. How much of a difference is this going to make? Is it even worth my while to put the SH-11 in or should I just resell and get a TB-11?

Damn... I was so ready to change out my pup!!

I just posted in your Trading Post ad. Try the SH-11 in the Strat. The SH-6 in my ESP (with a Floyd) sounds great. I had a trem spaced one in before, and I really don't hear any difference.

OK... forget it. I didn't want to wait so I installed the SH-11 pup. I am now totally in love with my HB in my Fat Strat... so no need to change it again. The MIM Tex Mex that was original has Alnico V mags, and MAN do the Alnico II's in the SH-11 warm this baby up. It's like falling in love all over again (gees I hope my wife doesn't read this forum!!)

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