I got this tele body off of ebay last week. I already had a mighty might neck, warmoth bridge, pickups etc. This morning I got out the router and routed it to accomodate a bridge humbucker The bridge pickup is a custom and the neck pickup is a strat hot stack. The custom sounds very decent in this thing.. a lot better than in my ash tele.. it's darker and more punchy in mahogany. The hot stack (neck) sounds better in ash.. more bright and snappy. I will probably replace it with my a2pro.
It's a rocker.. a pretty good backup for my LP.. actually, my LP is more twangy than this guitar since the LP has a Seth Lover in the bridge. I also put a zebra jazz in the LP this morning.. it's a very nice match for the SL.
That's pretty cool-another natural tele on the forum!

What kind of bridge is that? I was daydreaming today about a tele styled bridge that ran all the way up to the neck and held 3 JD's. I need Butnut to tackle that one.

Nicely done. In retrospect I should have kept that ash Telecaster I had and did exactly what you did.

Originally Posted by DaveWhat kind of bridge is that?

That's a Warmoth bridge. It's solid. I think I got it for about $40.

Nice Tele Steve...I don't usually like shell pguards, but it looks nice on that body!

So do you have two Paulas? or did you take out the CC and drop the Seth in?

Originally Posted by JeffBSo do you have two Paulas? or did you take out the CC and drop the Seth in?

I put the SL back in my (only) LP. I think I'll change the magnet in the tele's Custom and make it a CC. I did not really like the CC a whole lot in my ash tele, but I think it will sound better in mahogany. Teles seem to have a tighter bottom end than my Les Paul.. that's a nice compliment for the CC.

lookin goooood!!!

Very nice!

Sweet guitar Stevo
Sounds good too.

Cool lookin tele. Now you'll have another guinea pig guitar for humbuckers! haha

Originally Posted by GearjoneserNow you'll have another guinea pig guitar for humbuckers! haha

Yikes, it never ends

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