Here's a clip of the very beginning rhythm part of Ice Cream Man, the part when the band kicks in. For those of you who heard my quot;Everybody Wants Somequot; clip, when i recorded it i had also recorded a portion of quot;Ice Cream Manquot; onto the same Cakewalk project file but i didn't mix it in with that first clip. I gave it another listen today and for some reason it sounds better to my ears than it did when i first recorded it. I never learned the song the right way so i didn't play it like Ed does on the album or try to copy the exact sound at all, just curious to see how the combo and marshall cab would sound playing along with a VH 1 song. I'm pretty blown away and never expected this amp to sound good with that album. As always, i took out Eds guitar and recorded mine in. It was recorded on the same day as the Everybody Wants Some clip so it's the identical setup. Let me know what you think of the combo with this song. Don't shoot me but it's another very short clip.
Van Halen 1st album w/5150 combo
As usual ... amazing too short!
Great sound and playing man!Hehe gotta get me one of those...still looking for one here, no one for sale yetThanks for another cool clip.
Originally Posted by TwilightOdysseyAs usual ... amazing too short!
Thanks man. Originally Posted by RidGreat sound and playing man!Hehe gotta get me one of those...still looking for one here, no one for sale yetThanks for another cool clip.
Rid thanks bro! Yeah not a bad sounding amp at all imo.
Originally Posted by TwilightOdysseyAs usual ... amazing too short!
and once again I agree with you
Tone to the bone. You really get that EVH sound.
Thanks JOLLY and Stevo!
friggin excellent as usual, man
Originally Posted by shreder75friggin excellent as usual, man
Thanks bro.
My personal Favorite VH tune!You rock Bro!!!!!I just picked up a 5150 combo and it blows the 5150 head away!It has REVERB Anyway-thanks for making me feel good about my investment
Originally Posted by DARTHWOLFGANGMy personal Favorite VH tune!You rock Bro!!!!!I just picked up a 5150 combo and it blows the 5150 head away!It has REVERB Anyway-thanks for making me feel good about my investment
Thanks man. Enjoy your new amp!
Really cool again. I'm really itching for a 5150 now.
Longer clips!
Originally Posted by JohtosotkuReally cool again. I'm really itching for a 5150 now.
Longer clips!
Thanks Johtosotku.
Always good to hear you. As short as the clip was I love the rawness of that tone you've got there. I would love to find an amp (or even a pedal) that would help to deliver the same basic tonal flavor to it without going deaf in the process. Any suggestions? Oh yeah, have you found some people to jam with yet? I know a while ago you were considering it.
Originally Posted by Mike M.Always good to hear you. As short as the clip was I love the rawness of that tone you've got there. I would love to find an amp (or even a pedal) that would help to deliver the same basic tonal flavor to it without going deaf in the process. Any suggestions? Oh yeah, have you found some people to jam with yet? I know a while ago you were considering it.
Hey thanks Mike. Actually on this clip i didn't even have the volume that loud at all. That's what's great about this 5150 combo/Marshall 4x12 setup i have going, you get such a good sound but at any volume you want. I can turn this thing down to whisper volumes and it still sounds awesome in my opinion. I did a quick google search to see if i can find you any pedals or anything like that that relates to this style tone and found this. google info I've never used any of these before so i'm not really sure how good they are but i figured i would just post it anyway incase you might be interested. As far as a band goes, nothing yet. I might put something together in the future, i'll have to see what i want to do.
- Apr 12 Mon 2010 20:58
quot;Ice Cream Manquot; Van Halen 5150 combo clip