Perfect condition, 3 inch and 4 inch wires for black and white, respectively.

Im asking 35 shipped. Best strat bridge pickup I've heard.

PayPal only, PM me. (Trades accepted)

Can you give some specs and perhaps a description of the overall tone?

It's 7.5k, an overwound strat bridge pickup. Alnico v, handmade, SRVish...It's a great sounding pickup. Heres part of the lone review from HC:Tone: The best thing about Chubtone vintage strat pickups, IMO, is that they sound slightly bigger than most other vintage style pickups, yet stay bell clear. Fat 50's are similar, but the sound squashes out a bit on those. Chubtones still retain that very authentic bitey strat tone, but your ears don't tire of the sound like lesser pickups.
Sonic evaluation: I use every shade of gain with my strats, usually plugging into a Bogner Ecstasy or Matchless Chieftain 2-12. The 63's are the ultimate pickup set for the player looking for an SRV/KWS/Mayer type of sound. Because I felt I could use a bit more output on my bridge, I soon discovered that Mike's El Gordo bridge was the solution. To everyone reading this.....If you want a kickass strat set, you can either spend $230 on Fralin Vin Hots, Duncan Surfers, or others that everyone knows about. If want quality that equals or exceeds that, get yourself a Chubtone El Gordo bridge and 63 neck and rw/rp middle. You'll save $80, absolutely love them, and you'll be helping a new upstart pickup authority. I know it's quite an endorsement, but I've owned about 14 sets of aftermarket strat pickups.....I know the differences.
For which styles and positions is this pickup (un)suitable: If you're looking for something that rivals a humbucker, the El Gordo may not be the right pup, but if you simply want to retain the vintage sparkle while adding some beef to the tone, the El Gordo is it. I mostly use this strat for blues or songoriented roots/pop music. For rock, it may still be a bit too vintage, although much of that depends on your amp.PM ME!

That lone review was from out very own Gearjoneser!

Oh I totally forgot! Haha yea so thats what he thinks haha.

What color is it? Does it have a cover, and do standard covers fit it?

Ha ha, for you guys that don't know. Chubtone is owned by a boutique pickup maker, Mike Gray. He makes pickups on the same level as Duncan Antiquities. His pickups are amazing! His 63 set is like the best set of pickups you could imagine from a 63 strat. I bought a set of them, and told him that I like stronger bridge pickups, but want it to retain nice clarity. He sent me an El Gordo, which is like an A5 Twangbanger.
In my favorite strat, I have an El Gordo and 2 63's. It's the best strat set I've ever heard. Mike Gray realized that the set was his best seller, and even thanks me on his Ebay auctions for coming up with the combo. If anyone decides to buy this pickup for $35, you're getting the quality of a Duncan Antiquity II Custom single coil bridge.

Its white, and yes it has a cover. Listen to gearjonesr! Great deal..

This pickup sounds fantastic. It is the cure for the weak bridge pickup, yet it's not too hot. At first I didn't think that it fit exactly with the '63 neck and middle pickups because of the increased output, yet after tweaking it for awhile, the combo is excellent. This bridge pickup is a steal at $35.


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