
I have narrowed down my new guitar to 4 choices. All epi's 310 SG, 400 SG, and the Dot Studio and the Schecter Omen 6, which I am not sure if I like that one yet. I play mostly punk/pop-punk/and Alt rock. I wanted to know which one would sound the best for my type of music. My budget is around $350. I play bass normally so thats why I dont want to put more than that amount into a guitar. Thanks for the help.

I play mostly punk/pop-punk/and Alt rock.

Well, that's not really guitar specific. I will say, if you get either of those SGs, you will be getting a copy that will sound nothing like the original. I like Epi Dots, but I ave not played the Studio.

Sorry about not being to specific. My style is blink/rancid style distortion. I play alot of fast little riffs, and alot of palm mutes. The epi's are great for the palm mutes I just wanted to know which is the best for the money. I might have to forget about the SG 400 and the standard Dot but will either geth the SG 310 or the Studio. I just want to know which one would be my best bet for the way I play.

If you go used, the Epiphone regular dot is really good for the money. The only Epi SG I tried I hated. The Omen 6 is also a good guitar for the money. I would go for a Fender Standard HSS Stratocaster personally if you're not too hung up on Epis.

I already have a strat, I want to go with a different shaped guitar.


Epi Dot or the Schecter Omen 6. Completely different tones but both great guitars for the $$$$.

I like that Studio Dot, been kind of jonesing for a 335 type of guitar for a while and I think those are pretty cool The few I played were pretty good for a Chinese guitar. crap pots and electronics which is kind of expected but I was really surprised how good the guitar itself was.

If your in the mood for a hollow body, I highly recommend an Ibanez Artcore! The Epiphone is also a good deal, but it'll take more $$ to make it much better. You should drop in a Duncan Distortion in either and just get ready to rock on! (Tom D switched to a Gibson Dirty Figners ONLY because Gibson didn't let him put 's into it. Otherwise, I'm pretty sure he'd have an invader in the bridge of his signature guitar)

I was faced with the exact same question. What did I choose? I decided to save up for a LP because it can do EVERYTHING (By the way, I bet both Rancid and Blink recorded most of their material with a LP).Once you try these guitars throughly, pick one, install a bad-assed pickup and rock on!

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