Can anyone tell me the differences between X2N and superdistortion?
I want to replace the tone zone in my RG3120 with either of them. I found that tone zone easily gets muddy. The guitar is made of mahagony with rosewood finger board, and it has a dimarzio paf in the neck, which I am satisfied with. Basically I want the bridge pup provide clarity under hi gain, and sound tight and bright. Which is better, X2n or Super Distortion? Thanks

the super distortion sounds brighter than the x2n. x2n is fatter and extremely loud. it sounded really awesome with killer harmonics but it drowned the 2 single coils in my strat, which is why i replaced it with a prs artist humbucker (very warm and sweet sounding pickup, like a duncan alnico II pro humbucker). anyway, my guitar is bright sounding (maple neck amp; fingerboard with alder body). for your guitar, the super distortion might be better, since you want a brighter sound. my friend has a super distortion in the bridge position of his gibson sg and it sounds great and balances well with the stock gibson humbucker in the neck. another friend of mine has 2 super distortions in his ariapro and they don't sound too good. it's the guitar, i guess.

Ummmm well both are *brighter* than the Tone Zone but the TZ is so dark that anything is brighter than it really. The X2N is a really good sounding pickup but it's the hottest pickup they make so if you're looking for anything clean from it I would look elsewhere. The SuperDistortion is a great pickup but I wouldn't call it's on the darker side as well.Dimarzio makes alot of other pickups that might suit what you need better....I'd advise going to the website....Evolution(tight AND bright), Steves Special, Megadrive...etc...

Thanks guys. So which one is the tightest? X2n, Super D, or evolution? I did go to their website, but still couldn't make up my mind. Btw, will X2n work fine with my paf in the neck position? I know it has insane amount of output, and I am afraid that they are not balanced. I forgot to tell you that I mainly play 80's rock and metal. I really dig Def Lepeard and Skid row's rhythm guitar tone, just giving some examples. Clean tone is not an issue for me since I only use neck pup to play clean anyway. Thanks again

I use a pair of choppers in the neck and mid with an X2N - It's alright. That thing is just silly. Nothing really balances well with the X2N. Completely uncalled for under any circumstances. I don't know about the SD or Evo, But like the tones I've heard recorded. If you want to go Spinal TAp goofy every now and then, go X2N. And I have to say - I have it on a three way mini with split/parellel/series. The parellel is very cool (and still powerful) and the split is nice too. I'd say go for an SD for Def Lep.

X2N is way better. The Super Distortion has too much bass and mids and is very muddy. The X2N is much tighter - more like a duncan distortion.

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