Hehe just to piss off MetalMan666...

As you can all see by my sig, I now have both of my guitars loaded with EMG's; and they just happen to be the same exact set.

Guess what? They both sound different. My Classic is brighter and a bit more articulate, while the Stealth has a bit more of a kick in the low end and less of a sizzle in the high end.

The guitars are both made of mohogany/maple/rosewood, the only difference being the neck joint. The Stealth is set neck, the classic is neck-thru.

I'll make some clips next week when my PODxt comes in.

I move that we stop all the EMG nonsense. EMGs do not suck. EMGs do have some character, however that character is completely different than Antiquity character. It's difficult to find a pickup that does heavy/ultra clean better than EMG, but I think almost everyone can agree that there are better choices for blues through a slightly distorting Bassman. If you want vintage, you don't want EMG. If you want to push the edge, give them a try, you may like them you may hate them.

Does that about sum it up? That's what I've found anyway.

What happened to your RR1?

EMG is the best for pure metal but not as versitle as some passives
i like the emg stuff for the real heavy s**T

Originally Posted by usagiWhat happened to your RR1?

There was a thread about it about a month ago; I sold it.



Ok Jeff you win I know I'm wrong, and you're more experienced with this stuff than I am anyway

Originally Posted by Metalman_666WRONG!


Ok Jeff you win I know I'm wrong, and you're more experienced with this stuff than I am anyway
stop it guys seriously

Jeff get rid of those EMG and go with a Jazz/JB setup

im pretty sure thats what he had in there before

Yup, didn't like it. Not tight or aggressive enough, especially the neck pickup.

Well, ya know, to be fair, those two guitars were far too different to be used for a proper test......
Just kidding.

I've actually been thinkin bout givin EMG's another shot, gonna put an 85/81 combo in an explorer I'm building. Gonna try it with the 18 volt mod this time. Still gonna be a while before that sucker's ready yet...

Originally Posted by DirtbaggJeff get rid of those EMG and go with a Jazz/JB setup
Granted EMG's dont have the worlds best tone why make it even worse with a JB? LOL!!!!!!!!

The Jazz is cool, maybe a different bridge bucker to go with the jazz that will sound better than your average early 90's foreign made factory bucker (cause the JB sounds worse than that)! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did I piss everyone off with this post???????? LOL!!!!!!

Man, I love the color on the C-1 classic, but those inlays kill it for me. I wish they made a C-1 classic without the garden of eden all over the neck.

I wonder if there's a way to put a 2 way switch to switch between 9 and 18 volts using emg's? that would be a cool mod.

Originally Posted by krankguitaristWell, ya know, to be fair, those two guitars were far too different to be used for a proper test......
Just kidding.

I've actually been thinkin bout givin EMG's another shot, gonna put an 85/81 combo in an explorer I'm building. Gonna try it with the 18 volt mod this time. Still gonna be a while before that sucker's ready yet...

you'll love the 18v mod! i can't understand why EMG doesnt just recommend it in the first place.. it reduces or cures most of the tonal ills people describe..

we should do clips - someone installs a bypass switch for that second battery, and play the same clip with different levels of gain with each setting.. i would, but i sold all my guitar EMGs


Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3Yup, didn't like it. Not tight or aggressive enough, especially the neck pickup.
Haha, Owned.

Glad to see ya like the EMGs, I stoped buying into biased opinions a long time ago and that's why I got mine in the 1st place.And they amplify the vibrations of the guitar AND the strings, so duh, there will be a difference from guitar to guitar, its phisics.

Originally Posted by Impwe should do clips - someone installs a bypass switch for that second battery, and play the same clip with different levels of gain with each setting.. i would, but i sold all my guitar EMGs


It's been done. Search the forum. I've heard them. They did it for both the 81 and 85. 18volt mod does sound much better.

Can someone explain exactly what effect the 18V mod does to the tone?

It's supposed to raise the headroom of the internal preamp, and make it sound more dynamic and less 'squashed.' Personally, I don't see a need for it, and when I tried it in my old Dinky, I couldn't hear the difference. Couldn't hear it in those clips someone posted a while back, either.

Although, that could be because I use an 85 in the bridge, and 85's sound godly as is. :-p

I noticed that the classic has covers on the pups and the stealth dosent. wouldnt that make them sound different. I heard that the covers will make pups a little brighter.

Originally Posted by RichardI noticed that the classic has covers on the pups and the stealth dosent. wouldnt that make them sound different. I heard that the covers will make pups a little brighter.

That picture of the classic is an older picture when he has JB/Jazz in it. The pick-ups now look the same in both guitars.

Rock On!

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