New hear...yeah, I know. Make all the newbe jokes as you will, I can still turn some heads w/my '75 Les Paul. Or, my '93 Carvin DC127 w/490R neck pu
and SD pearly gates bridge wired in original config....Anyway..Just wanted to say quot;Hey!quot;

'ello. Welcome aboard.
Post some pics of yer babies for us to ogle. We love to see good gear.

Originally Posted by Gr8Scott'ello. Welcome aboard.
Post some pics of yer babies for us to ogle. We love to see good gear.


Originally Posted by BillyThe WildNew hear...yeah, I know. Make all the newbe jokes as you will, I can still turn some heads w/my '75 Les Paul. Or, my '93 Carvin DC127 w/490R neck pu
and SD pearly gates bridge wired in original config....Anyway..Just wanted to say quot;Hey!quot;

Don't count on many newbie jokes... most people wanna slap somebody whenever that word is used


What up, Billy? Welcome to the board.

75 LP? You're in the right place,welcome

Take it easy with the newbie cracks guys, he's from New York and he plays a Gibson.

His life has been hard enough already.

J/K Bill, welcome aboard!

Well, congratulations... you've won our new forum user who is not getting suckered into playing a JB award.


notice the layout of the different 'rooms' that make up the forum .... the pickup room (this one) is for pickup related topics ... there is an 'amp central' room for amp topics and the guitar shop is for everything else gear related .. off topic stuff (like introductions) go in the sound room

not everyone follows these guidelines, but things are smoother when folks do follow them

what kinda music do ya play? what kinda amps / effects?


Welcome to the madhouse!!

Welcome to the asylum. Valium´s on the Left, Methadone on the right, and Beer is in the Fridge. Help yourself

Originally Posted by ZerberusWelcome to the asylum. Valium´s on the Left, Methadone on the right, and Beer is in the Fridge. Help yourself

Whoa.... now I know I'm in the right place. And the pickup room is where I need to be for the moment....

Dealing with an Alnico II with a REAL bad attitude. It's in my son's SG and screaming loud enough (microphonically) to raise the dead. This pickup was new March'05 and was put in his previous guitar. No issues then. I carefully removed it because that guitar (also a Gibson SG) broke it's neck and was returned to the factory and Gibson graciously (I might add) sent my kid a brand spankin new SG...

Anyway, brought his new SG (his pride and joy) back to the guitar store for the same tech to perform his magic all over again and now this pickup screams like a banshee...

I would greatly appreciate a word of advice since I now seem to be public enemy #1 around here. The only reason for changing out the pups was because he wanted chrome not the stock uncovered pups.

Aren't Duncans warranteed for a year? I payed cash for this sucker and I'll be damned if I can't find the receipt, so far.

Thanks, Billy.

Anyway...contacted the place where the pickup was installed. Things are looking hopeful.

Getting back to my Carvin DC-127. Stock pups seemed blah to me but the axe just seemed to come alive with the Pearly Gates. Love that pickup..!!!

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