I have an early Smokey amp thats made in an old Marlboro cigarette pack. On the bottom end it has an input and an ext. speaker jack. My Blues Jr., i remembered has a 1/4quot; plug in that goes to the speaker than can be unplugged, so i unplugged the speaker and plugged into the ext. speaker jack on this little Smokey amp. All i can say is WoW! It had a very sensitive tone, you know the kind of tone that even amplifies your every nuance, like your fingers moving on the strings? Just like a vintage tube amp! This is a one watt amp, but when i maxed the volume on my Tele, it had a nice amount of volume and it broke up really really well and had a sweet crunchiness!!
I can almost see myself using my Blues Jr. more as a cab for this little Smokey amp instead of plugging it in and playing over it!
To anyone else that has one of these Smokey amps, i suggest using it with some sort of external speaker.... you'll get some really sweet vintage tones!
you want some real kick ass tones...plug into the smoky amp then come out of the ext speaker jack on the Smoky into the front imput of the bluse Jr...major crunch!
Hmm. Whats that do? I think i've heard of that kind of thing before but never really knew what it does or really how to go about it lol
Originally Posted by FenderBender03Hmm. Whats that do? I think i've heard of that kind of thing before but never really knew what it does or really how to go about it lol
It runs the smoky into the Blues Jr...this makes a mage crunchy tone...you are using the smoky as a preamp to overdrive your Blues Jr...try it!
Cool! Thanks for the tip man... i think i will try that out soon I think i might also order a new Smokey amp from Musicians Friend at some point. Their not made from old cigarette packs anymore but i'm sure the circuitry is still the same. The Marlboro pack on mines gettin pretty ragged and i have a ton of scotch tape on it already! Hasn't hurt that sweet tone though!
Thanks for the tip!! Ill experiment today. I have a new one in a purple housing.. You can still get them in cig pack shapes, but that isnt my thing..
Hmmm.... on musiciansfriend.com they only have them in 3 colors in the newer plastic casings. I guess certain shops or dealers still get hold of cigarette pack ones.
Try it plugged in to a 4x12. You'll be mightily surprised.
I'm surprised a Smokey amp would be able to drive a 4x12.. if it's only 1 watt wouldn't it need more power?
Nope. It does. Trust me. I have a 386 chip based amp much like the Smokey that I built and it pushes my 4x12 easily. Check it out: from : localhost/diy.erikhansen.net/ruby.htm
I've heard about the 4x12 thing too..... it doesn't surprise me at all. I'm sure it'll push that and sound great at the same time!
the smokey amp is actually a half watt and yes it will drive a 4x12...and be a lot louder than you might think!
I really like my smokey amp. This thread makes me want to try something new with it... Put it in the effects loop of my Valve King... man, I really hope I remember to do this when I get home, I wanna hear it.
Thanks for the inspiration.
Rock On!!!!
can be used as a standalone amp with the lil speaker, used to drive a cab, or as a preampcheck out their demo video. realy cool lil thing
Hey, Contact Steve at: from : localhost/
I got my smokey from him.. He's a great guy and offered like 6 color choices in the plain case and then diff cig pack cases. Again, mine is purple.. Got it to me immediately , along with my Toad works MR Ed.
Tell him bryan in jax sent you...
Originally Posted by ErikHTry it plugged in to a 4x12. You'll be mightily surprised.
LMFAO, Rich... It may look silly but it sounds pretty good doesn't it?
Originally Posted by ErikHLMFAO, Rich... It may look silly but it sounds pretty good doesn't it?
It's actually Luke's amp and head. We hooked it up for a joke picture, but he noodled around on it for a little bit.
Yes, it sounds pretty good. It won't get as loud as his 50W head, but it's actually plenty loud enough for practicing in your bedroom. You could even get by mic'ing it at a gig (I've actually heard of guys stashing one in a guitar case just in case their head messed up). You obviously can't fine-tune any EQ, but you get pretty decent tone from it.
I remember Luke hooking that up to his old Kustom bass cab several years ago. It would drive that with no problem, too.
i think i just found an amp in my price range!
Go for it, man. They're a load of fun.
- Apr 12 Mon 2010 20:58
Smokey Amp Blues Jr....WOW