I got this schematic, but I forgot whom! I just had a quick question if anybody could help me out. I have a 250k push pull pot. I have everything soldered, except to the push pull part. My question is this based off of this schematic: Is this wiring for the push/pull from the top view or the bottom view? All of the pots in the picture are bottom up (hope that makes sense), so I didn't know if that meant that the push/pull was to be wired in this fashion. I don't know if I should have it wired upside down or rightside up. Help!?

You're looking up at the bottom of the switch. Underneath, at the lugs.

So, I should wire it like this, with the orientation of the pot being this way?
Not upside down?


yes that will work, but it's really up to you- If you switch the top and the bottom all you change is if the mod occurs in the up or in the down position

Thanks for the help. I thought that I should wire it from right side up, but I found that it was funny that all the pots are shown as upside down!?! I'm looking for a parallel when down and a series when up. Thanks for the info.

If you wire your switch standing up (as shown in the pic above) your connections will be the same as the diagram you posted and parallel will be normal and series will be when the pot is pulled.

Thanks guys for all of the help. I really appreciate it!

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