Hi long time friends!

So, what's up ? Havent posted for a while... visiting/reading sometimes.

Does Jonesy finally sold all this gear ? Curly and Jeremy shaved their beards ? I think T.O. was signed recently, where are you in the process now ?

On my side, I just got married 2 weeks ago, will post pictures of the newly weds soon, wife was sooo beautiful! Im also buying a 335 today... yes!

And my SuperBass project is now on the workbench, receiving parts from here and there... and going back on tour in September!Gimme some newz!


congrats thames! and welcome back!

Hey Thames! You've been missed!

Congratulations on getting married, that's awesome news! Are you comming to SoCal on the tour by any chance? I'd love to see you guys!

Got married and buying a 335? Thats the good life.

Welcome back.

Congratulations with the wife and the guitar!

Careful how you caress that axe in the presence of the wife, though....

Congratulations, bro. Welcome back.

Good to see you back. Congrats on the wedding. I'm still trying to wriggle my way out of a wedding, but we'll see. No, haven't sold the gear......just been using it and jonesing for nothing new.

You should videotape your show and sell a few copies here. We'd love to check it out!

congrats and welcome back


Hi, Thames! Glad to see you're still among the living!!

Congrats on the new wife and the new guitar!!

My album is completed and was released a month ago. You can read more about it here, from : localhost/for asking!!

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