i want a loop pedal real bad...what do you guys suggest? i want anything that has upwards of 10 or 15 seconds of sample time, and cost is not an issue.
is the line6 delay modeler any good when it comes to the loop part of it? i've heard really mixed reviews about it.

I have a line6 dl4 green delay stompbox with the loop sampler in it and it is fantastic...just fantastic!

Apart from the great delays its got modelled, the loop sampler is great and if anyone is saying that it sucks then they just simply must not have the hang of it. It takes a bit of timing to get right, but its great once you get it going and top notch sound quality. It even has lots of options within the loop sampler alone.

Its great...get one! You wont be dissapointed

I use a Boss DD-20 for longer loops (upto 23 seconds) and a Digitech DigiDelay for shorter loops (upto 4 seconds).

I've never tried a DM-4, but I've heard lots of good things from people more into looping than I am.

Don't get the BOSS RC-20 if you want to keep your tone. It compresses it to hell, and makes a TON of noise.

Also, if you run 2 distorted tracks, like to play a lead over a fast rythm or something, it overloads and muds up, and you can barely make out either.

another vote for the dl-4..you get 28secs of loop time in half-speed mode, and it is a lot more inuitive to use than the boss pedals. if you have the $, the king of loopers is the echoplex digital pro, with 3 mins of looptime (i use this and the dl4)...check out my guitar pages for more info about looping, as well as the looper's delight webpages @ www.loopers-delight.com

interesting stuff. i've heard of a lot of people's dl4's crapping out on them when they use the loop aspect of it, and apparently it is a common problem for the sound to start to get worse/muddier after the recorded part loops a couple of times.

i'll be going to GC soon to play around with whatever they have there. thanks for the suggestions guys.

Line 6 or Boomerang. I'd trust Mincer's recommendation too.

Originally Posted by muttonchopsruleinteresting stuff. i've heard of a lot of people's dl4's crapping out on them when they use the loop aspect of it, and apparently it is a common problem for the sound to start to get worse/muddier after the recorded part loops a couple of times.

i'll be going to GC soon to play around with whatever they have there. thanks for the suggestions guys.

on the DL4, the loop is about 97% feedback when overdub is on- and 100% when the loop is playing...ive had a loop play over 12 *hours* with no degredation (yes, I am insane)...the only problem i have heard with the dl4 is the switches sometimes die- but this happens with every loop pedal i have tried after 2 pr 3 years- you step on them a lot more than a regular stomp box.

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