I'm looking for a Black Ice over Drive copacitor, the ones Stewmac sells.I really doubt anybody has one but it's worth a shot.

If you have one and you'd like to sell it please let me know.

FWIW, I bought one of these some years ago at the NAMM Show in Nashville, from Mike Christian, it's basically a diode encapsulated in some silicone.
Very cheesy raspy sounding distortion, and you really need some HOT pu's to get much output out of it.
I'd say buy a pedal or if you MUST have onboard distortion, there are some active circuits available, EMG Aferburner, the Guitar Fetish guy on eBay has a bunch of different on board distortion modules.

from : localhost/projectguitar.com/tut/blackice.htm

All you need is two diodes. If you PM me your address I can send you some.

Yup. Since the turn-on voltage of a modern diode is around 700mv, you'ld need some serious output voltage to clip these. If you could round up some older germanium types, you could bring that down to maybe 300-400mv.

But those are getting harder to find.

So I need some 300- 400mv Diodes?

I can call my dad at work right now and see if he has any.

They're old. I don't think they make them anymore. Not for sure, though.

He works for Panasonic and can usually find some cool little parts around.

I called and left a message but he hasen't called back yet. He might not be able to find any anyway. I dunno.

Noob- do you have any 300-400mv germanium diodes?

Heres some that are 400mv but I have no idea if they are Germanium though
from : localhost/cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...MEWA:ITamp;rd=1

i could always buy them and try them out. Half the fun is just trying to find the right stuff and seeing if I get everything put to gether right.

My dad called and he said there is a good chance they have some at work but he's away from the office right now and he said he'd check when he got back.

But he asked me if the diodes needed to be some like PNP? or something else, i don't exactly remember what he said but I had no idea what he ment.

Hmmm . . . transistors come in PNP and NPN. All diodes are NP. (If you want them to be PN, you just turn them around.) Kinda like the nails for the south side of the house.

Maybe he said zeners. You don't want zeners. Just plain old small-signal diodes.

well.. dad couldn't find any like I needed. oh well.

Artie- maybe i will just try making a tone box.

Originally Posted by wixomwhatNoob- do you have any 300-400mv germanium diodes?

I doubt it, I just asked on the Project Guitar forum which diodes to get, and bought some. I can send you some if you want to mess around with them. If you put them after a booster, you have a simple overdrive/distortion.

Originally Posted by n00bI doubt it, I just asked on the Project Guitar forum which diodes to get, and bought some. I can send you some if you want to mess around with them. If you put them after a booster, you have a simple overdrive/distortion.hey thanks bro but I think I'm set now.

I'm gonna mod my DS-1 some more and build a distortion unit kit or two.

lt;lt; good site for this kind of stuff


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