Well, I went out of town last week and had me a slight affair with an MH-400, (don't tell my guitars) and I was really impressed with the feel and responsiveness.....but wait, IT'S GOT EMG's! I've never really been a fan of EMG's but I think I'm starting to come around as of late to the actives. First off I had a fling with a Schecter Hellraiser C-7 that I absolutely loved and now this little incident.....I may have to take the plunge and get an EMG equipped guitar again. To be perfectly honest the last time I tried them they were in a Project V with a malfunctioning 3 way switch and it was tuned to B standard, not the fairest chance for any pu. So what're your guy's thoughts on this...Give em another shot in my Les Paul say, or just be content for now.

If you like the way your LP sounds, I'd leave it alone.

But if you're LP is a secondary axe, I'd go for it.

Unless you think you'll really like them....

EMGs are nice if you want total transparency and clarity, plus lots of dynamics.

They aren't bad! Do try them out, you don't have that much to lose. I really like them.

There is one thing that I am concerned about with the EMG's. When I did have my V I found the tone to be horribly inconsistent, I'm wondering if this would be solved with the 18 volt mod or if I was just finding my guitar inconsistent. Do any other EMG users find them to be inconsistent in their tone? To answer screamingdaisy, I barely even use my LP anymore as it is, truly a waste in all respects but I'm really in to the 7 strings. So that's a big yes on it being my second axe.

Originally Posted by SwedeNuckThere is one thing that I am concerned about with the EMG's. When I did have my V I found the tone to be horribly inconsistent, I'm wondering if this would be solved with the 18 volt mod or if I was just finding my guitar inconsistent. Do any other EMG users find them to be inconsistent in their tone? To answer screamingdaisy, I barely even use my LP anymore as it is, truly a waste in all respects but I'm really in to the 7 strings. So that's a big yes on it being my second axe.

I haven't noted any inconsistencies, and I use the standard 9 volt power.

I run 18v and I've never noticed any inconsistencies. I do find the tone from my amp changes depending on the weather, but the guitar always seems to push it the same way.

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