Since about 1988 i have owned a few different Solid State Fender Princton Chorus amps for low volume practicings.... I've sold some and bought more to replace them over the years. They are cheap and at a wisper of volume sound OK for bedroom practice.... The people in the next room can sleep while i play... Very important when i work odd hours and up all night!

Anyways the Princton Chorus amps have a great clean sound but the speakers seem to crap out with volume only on about 4..... The low notes seem to cause buzz in the speakers.. Cheap amps and speakers..... What 10 inch speaker would be good for replacing the stock ones?

I used to own a Fender Ultra Chorus and it's clean sound was amazing and the amp was 100 percent louder and the 12inch speakers handled the volume.....

On a side note i do not like the new DSP Princton Chorus's and Ultimate Chorus's combo's..... The Chorus sounds too fake and the reverb sucks! The older ones rocked. With a Strat neck pickup those amps sounded great for extremely clean tones. The drive channels are OK nothing that great... really fuzzy. I like them and use them for practice.


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