Hey guys,

As some of you know, I've been looking for a higher output bridge tone for a Voodoo Strat. The Strat Plus I've got has an Antiquity in the bridge, and that covers the vintage tones perfectly.... couldn't be happier with it. But, there are so many high output Strat pickups out there that its hard to find the one that does the trick all at once.

I have tried these:

DiMarzio Fastrack: very bright, too much so on the low end. the blades make it very compressed sounding. probably great for slide, but not what I was wanting for a rockin' strat sound.

Antiquity II custom: also bright, too much so on the high end. mine didn't really have that much sustain.

Hot Stack: pretty good, but not a really distinctive tone to my ears.

Fralin SP43: this just did not work for me. maybe I got a bad one, but the high end was muffled. returned for a Telecaster pickup (another story).

Evans Hot Eliminator: really good. savage attack, but not much Strat twang and spank to the lower notes.

SSL4: really good. but the flat poles level the high end off so that it doesn't quite have the twang amp; spank, excellent rockin' pickup for power chords, however.

SSL7: The Best. The output level is close to 15kohm, but its clear. I didn't want a hard-to-control distortion type pickup that darkened the mids. The A5 poles create a lot of definition without icepicks on the high end, nor are the low notes too bright amp; clangy (like the FT). Sustain on single note leads is excellent, power chords are tight and clear, and low pentatonic riffs are very well defined with just a hint of Strat twang amp; spank. This one is not a tapped version, but I intend to put a treble pass circuit on there so that, when I roll the volume I'll get a silky tone that works for clean rhythm.

So, the SSL-7 is the killer Strat for me. Looks a lot like Darth Vader's pickup of choice. Very powerful, very clear, and it does everything just the way I need it too.


great review, randy - thanks for lettin' us in on your resultshey, how's your son doing?


Zack beat cancer.

He has 2 outpaitient treatments left to do, and one orthoscopic surgery. The doctors at St.Jude are elated, and so are we.

Originally Posted by rhmcfarlandZack beat cancer.

He has 2 outpaitient treatments left to do, and one orthoscopic surgery. The doctors at St.Jude are elated, and so are we.

wow man, thats great to hear

and 1 about the pickup as well hehe

thrilled to hear it randy ... you guys have been through hell and back ... glad that blessings have been showered on you all

all the best

Good to hear about your son Randy.

And I love the QP's also, though I use the flat SSL-4's. Great pup.

Thanks, t4d!

We are seeing some daylight after about 1 year of super-intense stuff. It would nice to see everything kinda dovetail into a better situation.

Thanks Artie, its been an incredible journey. Zack's now 17 going on 39. Amazing how mature he is now. Man, he's got some guts. He's going to graduate from high school on time, standing on 2 legs, breathing with 2 lungs, and have a new head of hair. Awesome!!!

SSL-7....... yeah, baby, yeah!!!!!!!!!

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