Satch does this thing during solos where he gets this screech. It sounds like he's doing a pinch harmonic and dives with his trem. It's a little different though. It kind of sounds like a Nazgul scream from the LoTR trilogy movies. One song I know he does this one is quot;The Extremistquot; from the CD of the same name. It happens around 2:06. How can I do this and do I have to use a trem?


i just listened to the song, it sounds pretty much like your typical harmonic dive bomb to me. i don't see a way to do it without a trem though.


Originally Posted by Butch SnyderHow can I do this and do I have to use a trem?

You could use a Nazgul. Otherwise, I think you need a trem.You know, someone really needs to make a pedal called the Nazgul.

I thought I'd need a trem....

It almost sounds like a ring modulator.

Yes, I'd like to use a Nazgul...

pinch, lower bar then raise it

Originally Posted by Daveypinch, lower bar then raise it

That simple?


sometimes the most simple things sound amazing. you gotta dose it right though.. dont imediately dive bomb like there's no tomorrow.

bring the trem down for about a note, then raise it for 2 or 3

Actually, he depresses the bar with his left hand, stimulates the artifical harmonic near the neck pickup, and simultaneously brings the bar back up to pitch.

Kindred is right..

He already has the bar depressed before he hits the harmonic. He pulls it up a little above what pitch would be if the trem was untouched very quickly, and then bombs it.

There's more to it than just a divebomb.

What you're hearing there is more than one harmonic being hit and divebombed. That's why it sounds like the Nazgul and not like your typical EVH divebomb.

On a floyd (and most other bar systems) each string drops pitch at a different rate to the other strings, which means that strings will go out of tune with each other during the dive. Hence the weird ring modulator effect.

Originally Posted by Hot _GritsThere's more to it than just a divebomb.

What you're hearing there is more than one harmonic being hit and divebombed. That's why it sounds like the Nazgul and not like your typical EVH divebomb.

On a floyd (and most other bar systems) each string drops pitch at a different rate to the other strings, which means that strings will go out of tune with each other during the dive. Hence the weird ring modulator effect.

So, does this mean that you have to hit more than one string for the effect?

Yep. You got it. To get an idea of the 'two bending harmonics' sound on a non-trem guitar, hit two open harmonics and yank both strings at the headstock.

I have a buddy who actually managed a full octave dive on a quot;vquot; by just bending the neck forward. How he didn't snap that thing off is beyond me but he has it on film

Open string pinch harmonic, lower the nraise bar is a way.

Again, kindred had it right. Dive down with left hand, pinch harmonic open string with the right hand, raise bar with left hand.

you could do it with a normal strat trem, but watch out for the tuning... so thats why and how he does it, the edge trem. i can do it, but i cant figure it out how to explain it...
but there are two ways, one like Kindred and Davey says P.harmonic and pull or push the trem bar, or push the bar and then do the pharmonic.... and there is more using the natural harmonics on the 3, 4, 5 and 12th fret do the same thing pull or push the trem bar ...

Even though Satch uses his left hand to lower the bar, it can be easily done with your right. To be exact its a pinch harmonic on the open 2nd and 3rd string and played about 1/2 inch past the furthest point of your neck pickup ( 3/4 if a single coil) towards the bridge. Don't be too precise with this and start getting your ruler out, just search for that pitch.

Natural harmonics on the 10th fret of the above strings closely resemble the sound if pinch harmonics seem difficult.

Ahh, so that's why I have seen pis of him with his left hand on the bar....

Originally Posted by Butch SnyderAhh, so that's why I have seen pis of him with his left hand on the bar....

I have little idea what all of you are talking about, but I've seen video of him in the studio pulling the Trem with his Left Hand and doing everything else with his right hand.

watch Satch play

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